Includes 50 narrated video tutorials! Master the challenging EKG interpretation process and confidently prepare for your clerkship! The EKG Workbook: ...
Master the challenging EKG interpretation process and confidently prepare for your clerkship! The EKG Workbook: Becoming Proficient in EKGs by Reading EKGs gives you hands-on practice applying core knowledge to reach accurate interpretations with ease. Each EKG practice strip is labeled based on difficulty and is accompanied by a fully annotated, color-coded interpretation, empowering you to improve your proficiency at your own pace and build the confidence for success from your board review to clinical practice.
Unique color-coded approach simplifies EKG annotation and interpretation and visually reinforces key takeaways.
100 EKG practice strips, labeled based on difficulty and accompanied by corresponding annotated interpretations, familiarize you with the most commonly encountered findings and abnormalities and challenge you to apply your core understanding.
50 video tutorials provide on-the-go, step-by-step guidance for successful EKG interpretations accessible on any device.
The EKG Workbook: Becoming Proficient in Reading EKGs by Reading EKGs
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975196455
USD $49.99 Quantity:
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