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The Editor's Handbook

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
July 22, 2019
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The completely updated 3rd edition of TheEditor’s Handbook is an invaluable resource to all those involved in various aspects of ...
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  • The completely updated 3rd edition of TheEditor’s Handbook is an invaluable resource to all those involved in various aspects of scholarly writing in nursing. Both novice and experienced editors will no doubt find the information quite useful, as they did the first two editions. Although the main focus of the handbook is on the editors of nursing journals, all types of nurse writers will appreciate the extensive details and helpful tips. Nurses who are in the process of preparing manuscripts for publication can use the handbook to enhance their success at journal acceptance by getting a unique view of the editor’s role and perspective.

    Table of Contents
    Chapter 1:  The Meaning of “Editor,” “Journal,” and How You Do Your Work
    Chapter 2:  Manuscripts: The Heart of Your Journal
    Chapter 3:  A Valuable Asset: Your Editorial Board
    Chapter 4:  The Folks You Can’t Live Without: Peer Reviewers
    Chapter 5:  Communicating with Authors
    Chapter 6:  From Manuscript to Finished Product: Producing a Journal
    Chapter 7:  Ethical Issues for Authors, Editors, and Publishers
    Chapter 8:  Variations on a Theme: Features, Continuing Education, Supplements, and More
    Chapter 9:  Bibliographic Databases and Indexing
    Chapter 10:  Beyond Your Pages: Publicity and Collaboration
    Chapter 11:  Resources for Editors
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    July 22, 2019
  • Leslie H. Nicoll PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN
    Edmund S. Muskie Institute of Public Affairs, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME
    Peggy L. Chinn RN, PhD, FAAN
  • Chapter 1:  The Meaning of “Editor,” “Journal,” and How You Do Your Work
    Chapter 2:  Manuscripts: The Heart of Your Journal
    Chapter 3:  A Valuable Asset: Your Editorial Board
    Chapter 4:  The Folks You Can’t Live Without: Peer Reviewers
    Chapter 5:  Communicating with Authors
    Chapter 6:  From Manuscript to Finished Product: Producing a Journal
    Chapter 7:  Ethical Issues for Authors, Editors, and Publishers
    Chapter 8:  Variations on a Theme: Features, Continuing Education, Supplements, and More
    Chapter 9:  Bibliographic Databases and Indexing
    Chapter 10:  Beyond Your Pages: Publicity and Collaboration
    Chapter 11:  Resources for Editors
  • "The Editor’s Handbook is an invaluable resource to all those involved in various aspects of scholarly writing in nursing. Both novice and experienced editors will no doubt find the information quite useful, as they did the first two editions. Although the main focus of the handbook is on the editors of nursing journals, all types of nurse writers will appreciate the extensive details and helpful tips. Nurses who are in the process of preparing manuscripts for publication can use the handbook to enhance their success at journal acceptance by getting a unique view of the editor’s role and perspective. The handbook has been completely updated by Leslie Nicoll and Peggy Chinn, while retaining the scholarly standards, kind spirit, and encouraging voice of Margaret Freda, inspiration for the book and coauthor of editions one and two."
    Kathleen Rice Simpson, PhD, RNC, FAAN
    Editor-in-Chief, MCN: The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing

     "As a new editor, I found the second edition of The Editor’s Handbook easy to read, clear, and extremely comprehensive. Each of the 10 chapters was short, practical, and included real-life examples and up-to-date references. I put the information to use right away! I am so excited for the third edition! In my short time in this new role, I can already see how rapidly this field changes. I am sure other new editors and experienced editors will find the new addition a welcomed resource."
    Kathleen G. Burke, PhD, RN-BC, CENP, FAAN
    Editor-in-Chief, Journal for Nurses in Professional Development

     "All editors, new and experienced, will find valuable information in the third edition of The Editor’s Handbook. I certainly did, reading the first edition and then the second from cover to cover as I began my tenure as editor. Both Leslie Nicoll and Peggy Chinn are experienced editors, with years of experience between them. Written in a friendly and accessible voice, with numerous examples, they anticipate many of your questions as well as issues you probably never thought of! I highly recommend this book to all those involved in editing and publishing in professional nursing."
    Maureen Anthony, PhD, RN
    Editor, Home Healthcare Now

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The Editor's Handbook

The Editor's Handbook

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975140243
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