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The Gleason Grading System

A Complete Guide for Pathologist and Clinicians
Publication Date:
July 16, 2012
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The Gleason Grading System: A Complete Guide for Pathologists and Clinicians provides exhaustive coverage of the updated Gleason Grading System, ...
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  • The Gleason Grading System: A Complete Guide for Pathologists and Clinicians provides exhaustive coverage of the updated Gleason Grading System, which deals not only with pathology but also with the associated clinical correlations and prognosis.
    The Gleason Grading System is the most important prognostic marker of prostate cancer, which is critical to patient management and drives therapies across all disciplines dealing with prostate cancer. In addition to an extensive number of photographs, this book discusses in detail clinically related issues that are crucial for the urologist, radiotherapist, and oncologist to know, such as predicting upgrading and downgrading from needle biopsy to radical prostatectomy, risk of Gleason grading change over time, significance of tertiary grade patterns, and prognosis and implications related to various Gleason scores and different therapies. Images that were particularly difficult for contributing pathologists sent in for consultation are used in addition to classic examples, as these cases are the most informative in showing the difficulties with Gleason grading. This book is a valuable tool not only for surgical pathologists from the resident level to seasoned practitioners but also for urology residents, urologists, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists.
    Product Format
    Hardcover Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    July 16, 2012
  • Jonathan I. Epstein

     Professor of Pathology, Urology and Oncology
    The Reinhard Professor of Urological Pathology
    Director of Surgical Pathology
    The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
    Baltimore, MD

  • Preface
    1 Historical Evolution of the Gleason Grading System: From 1967 to the Contemporary Era
    2 The Current Modified Gleason Grading System—Histologic Features of Conventional Prostate Adenocarcinoma
    3 Grading Variants of Prostate Carcinoma
    4 Principles of Gleason Grading in Current Practice and Comparison of Original and Modified Gleason Grading System
    5 Grading Accuracy
    6 Relation of Gleason Grade to Treatment
  • "The objective is to educate those involved in Gleason grading and this book not only meets it, but surpasses it."
    "There are absolutely no shortcomings of this book."
    "This is the most useful book that has come across my desk in a long time. It truly is a complete guide for pathologists and clinicians who use the Gleason system. Every pathology and urology training program in the U.S. needs a copy for their trainees as it presents the most up-to-date information in an easy-to-read and abundantly illustrated format. It is essential for anyone who interprets prostate biopsies or manages patients with prostate cancer."
    Doody's Review (October 2013)
    Maura F. O'Neil, MD(University of Kansas Medical Center)
    Weighted Numerical Score: 100 - 5 Stars!
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The Gleason Grading System

The Gleason Grading System

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451172829
USD $239.99 Quantity:
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