Concise, conversational, entertaining, and easy to use at any level of healthcare experience, The Only Diagnostic Lab Book You’ll Ever Need clarifies the when, where, why, and how of laboratory testing to help you make informed testing decisions and draw confident clinical conclusions.
This approachable how-to guide focuses on the most common and clinically useful diagnostic tests and panels employed in everyday healthcare practice, regardless of specialty, making it the ideal introduction for medical, PA, nurse practitioner, and nursing students embarking on their healthcare education. Residents, fellows, and practicing clinicians will find many new insights and clinical pearls that can immediately improve their practice and teaching. Straightforward, clinically oriented coverage walks you through selecting and employing the right diagnostic tests from the thousands available. The result is an informative, engaging text that will help you hone your clinical reasoning and streamline your approach to ordering and interpreting lab tests in the clinical decision-making process.
Abundant illustrations, tables, and flow charts highlight key concepts in selecting and interpreting diagnostic lab tests.
Lively, lighthearted text gets right to the point without compromising clarity or detail.
Discussions emphasize what the tests actually mean within the relevant clinical context, stressing understanding over memorization; you will know what to do next, what to avoid, and why.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
March 5, 2024
Jonathan Thaler MD
Malcolm S. Thaler MD
Attending Physician, The Bryn Mawr Hospital, Bryn Mawr, PA
Abundant illustrations, tables, and flow charts highlight key concepts in selecting and interpreting diagnostic lab tests.
Lively, lighthearted text gets right to the point without compromising clarity or detail.
Discussions emphasize what the tests actually mean within the relevant clinical context, stressing understanding over memorization; you will know what to do next, what to avoid, and why.
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