All eye care providers should be proficient in evaluating the optic nerve for glaucoma in their patients. The Optic Nerve Evaluation in Glaucoma: An Interactive Workbook, gives you the practice you need to make sure your abilities are up to speed. This practical primer takes you from learning to applying – by creating a visually rich, interactive experience. Features:
Briefly review key principles/pearls for evaluating the optic nerve in glaucoma with a quick summary at the beginning of each section.
Study full-color clinical photographs demonstrating the appearance of a full range of optic nerve findings.
Practice your recognition skills by drawing your own discograms depicting the key features and pathologic findings related to glaucoma.
Half of all proceeds will be donated to support the education and outreach initiatives of The Optometric Glaucoma Society Foundation. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience:
The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline
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