The first exam prep book to cover all of the most commonly tested rotations, The PA Rotation Exam Review, 2nd Edition, delivers a high-yield review in a concise, full-color format to help you make the most of your preparation for the “high yield” topics on clinical rotation exams and boost your test-taking confidence.
Up-to-date coverage details essential material in Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, OB/GYN, and Surgery, accompanied by 25 practice questions—with an additional 50 available online—for each rotation. Reflecting an enhanced organization, expanded images, helpful mnemonic tools, and an inclusive focus throughout, this updated 2nd Edition offers everything you need to prepare for success on test day and take a confident next step toward your career as a physician assistant.
UPDATED! Content mapped to the latest commonly tested or “high yield” topics on clinical rotation exams
delivers a comprehensive review in one affordable text.
UPDATED! New surgery section aligned to the 2023 EOR Exam Blueprint.
UPDATED! 25 review questions for each rotation, plus an additional 50 for each rotation available online; strengthen students’ confidence with ample practice.
UPDATED! Enhanced organization and tabular outline format to ensure fast, efficient study.
NEW! LGBTQIA+ coverage highlights special considerations for inclusive care.
UPDATED! High-quality, full-color artwork—clarify important visual information.
Timesaving cross references help students find overlapping information with ease, regardless of their current rotation.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Publication Date
November 7, 2024
Paul Alexander Gonzales
Mia Adair McDonald
Wake Emergency Physicians, PA (WEPPA) Staffing WakeMed Health & Hospitals Emergency Department Raleigh, North Carolina
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