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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Online

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Publication Frequency:
Published 12 times per year (Monthly)
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  • The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal ® ( PIDJ ) is a complete, up-to-the-minute resource on infectious diseases in children. Through a mix of original studies, informative review articles, unique case reports, and “Yellow Pages” of late-breaking news, PIDJ delivers the latest insights on combating disease in children — from state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques to the most effective drug therapies and other treatment protocols. It is a resource that can improve patient care and fuel your personal research.

    Visit pidj.com for additional information and to view sample content available.
    Product Format
    Online Journal Only
    Publication Frequency
    Published 12 times per year (Monthly)
  • Steven Black MD
  • 12 Issues / 12 months ($12.00/issue)
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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Online

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Online

ISBN/ISSN: 1532-0987
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