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The Trauma Manual

Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
Edition: 5
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Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Covering all areas of trauma, critical care, and emergency surgery, ...
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  • Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!

    Covering all areas of trauma, critical care, and emergency surgery, The Trauma Manual: Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 5th Edition, brings you fully up to date with recent changes in the field. This pocket manual is an indispensable resource for everyone on the trauma/acute care team, with practical, easy-to-read coverage of the wide range of patients seen daily with urgent presentation – whether from injury, emergency general surgical disease, or a major complication. This user-friendly manual is one that every trauma surgeon, surgical resident, surgical critical care specialist, emergency medicine physician, and emergency or trauma nurse will want to keep close at hand for daily use.
    • Up-to-date coverage of trauma, critical care, and emergency general surgery from a newly expanded group of national and international experts in the field.
    • Organized in a chronological fashion following the usual events and phases of care after injury or acute surgical illness.
    • Many new and revised chapters throughout the book, plus an entirely new section on surgical rescue and management of frequent complications.
    • Evidence-based recommendations backed by extensive clinical experience, presented in a quick-reference format for ease of use.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    August 15, 2019
  • Andrew B. Peitzman MD, FACS
    Professor and Chief, Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Vice Chair for Clinical Services, Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center—Presbyterian University Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
    Donald M. Yealy MD, FACEP
    Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Pittsburgh; Chief of Emergency Services, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center—Presbyterian University Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
    Timothy C. Fabian MD, FACS
    Harwell Wilson Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN
    C. William Schwab MD, FACS
    Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Chief, Division of Traumatology and Surgical Critical Care, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
    Francis X Guyette
    Mark J. Seamon
    Brian S. Zuckerbraun
  • Contents
    Contributors vii
    Preface xix
    Section I General 1
    Acute Care Surgery: Key Concepts 3
    Andrew B. Peitzman
    Introduction to Trauma Care 7
    Amy N. Hildreth • C. Caleb Butts • J. Wayne Meredith
    Physiologic Response to Injury 16
    Vanessa Nomellini • Carrie Sims
    Airway Management and Anesthesia 22
    Paul E. Phrampus • Henry E. Wang • Donald M. Yealy
    Initial Assessment and Resuscitation 34
    Brian P. Smith • C. William Schwab
    Shock 48
    J. B. Moses • Jason L. Sperry
    Damage Control Surgery 57
    Lillian Liao • Brian J. Eastridge • Michael Rotondo
    Blood and Transfusion 64
    Joshua J. Sumislawski • Matthew D. Neal • Mitchell Jay Cohen
    Nutrition 75
    Stacy Pelekhaty • Rosemary Kozar
    Complications of Wound Healing 89
    Rafael G. Ramos-Jimenez • Matthew D. Neal
    Field Response, Triage, and Prehospital Management 98
    Joshua B. Brown • Christian Martin-Gill
    Retrieval and Interhospital Transport of Trauma Patients 111
    Francis X. Guyette • Jason Cohen
    Disasters and Mass Casualty Incidents 116
    Susan M. Briggs
    Trauma Team Activation and Response 127
    Ronnie N. Mubang • Patrick M. Reilly • William S. Hoff
    Imaging of Trauma Patients 138Endovascular Techniques, Balloons, and Angioembolization 157
    Jason Pasley • Melanie Hoehn • Megan Brenner
    Sepsis 170
    Anthony J. Lewis • Matthew R. Rosengart
    Infections, Antibiotic Utilization, and Antibiotic Management 179
    Charles Vasquez • Lewis J. Kaplan
    Trauma Pain Management 219
    Alex M. Dressler • Scott A. Brancolini • Donald M. Yealy
    Venous Thromboembolism 229
    Selma Marie Siddiqui • Elliott R. Haut
    Operating Room Practice, Operative Approaches 239
    Elizabeth Dauer • Lars Sjoholm • Amy Goldberg
    Trauma System Development 243
    Frederick B. Rogers • C. William Schwab
    Injury Prevention 250
    Cody L. Mullens • Douglas J. Wiebe
    Rehabilitation Concerns in the Trauma Setting 256
    John A. Horton III
    Palliative Care 267
    Myrick C. Shinall Jr • Zara Cooper
    Trauma in Children 277
    Gary W. Nace • Michael L. Nance
    Care of the Pregnant Trauma Patient 293
    Rachel L. Warner • Daniel J. Grabo • C. William Schwab
    Trauma in Older Adults 301
    K. Conley Coleman • Daniel J. Grabo • C. William Schwab
    Section II Trauma 309
    Introduction to Trauma: Mechanism of Injury 311
    Brian C. Beldowicz • Gregory J. Jurkovich
    Traumatic Brain Injury 323
    Michael A. Vella • James M. Schuster • Jose L. Pascual
    Maxillofacial Injury 337
    William L. Chung • James M. Russavage • Mark W. Ochs
    Spinal Cord and Spinal Column 360
    Patricia Zadnik Sullivan • Matthew Sanborn • Laclan J. Smith • Neil Malhotra
    Ophthalmic Injury 381
    S. Tonya Stefko • Donald M. Yealy Thoracic Injury 401
    Erik J. Olson • Adam M. Shiroff • Mark J. Seamon
    Thoracic Injury: Cardiac and Major Vascular Injury 414
    Joseph Fernandez-Moure • Adam M. Shiroff • Mark J. Seamon
    Abdominal Trauma 425
    Alain Corcos • Cheryl Six • L. D. Britt • Andrew B. Peitzman
    Abdominal Vascular Injury 459
    Charles P. Shahan • Timothy C. Fabian
    Genitourinary Injuries 466
    Robert C. Kovell • Thomas J. Guzzo
    Orthopedic Trauma, Fractures, and Dislocations 477
    Rikesh A. Gandhi • Matthew Winterton • Samir Mehta • L. Scott Levin
    Peripheral Vascular Injuries 500
    Louis J. Magnotti • John P. Sharpe • Timothy C. Fabian
    Burns and Inhalation Injury 515
    Anju B. Saraswat • James H. Holmes IV
    Section III The Intensive Care Unit 529
    Priorities in the ICU: Care of the Adult Trauma Patient 531
    Lily Tung • Niels D. Martin
    Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome 554
    Martin D. Rosenthal • Philip A. Efron • Scott C. Brakenridge
    Cardiovascular Disease and Monitoring 564
    Megan T. Quintana • Thomas Scalea
    Acute Kidney Injury 578
    Junichi Izawa • Feihu Zhou • John A. Kellum
    Acute Respiratory Failure and Mechanical Ventilation 585
    Jason A. Fawley • Lena M. Napolitano
    Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, Open Abdomen,
    Enteroatmospheric Fistula 602
    Rao R. Ivatury
    Liver Failure 609
    Jeffrey Della Volpe • Ali Al-Khafaji
    Support of the Organ Donor 618
    Shelby Resnick • Patrick K. Kim
    Accidental and Therapeutic Hypothermia, Cold Injury, and Drowning 627
    Samuel A. TishermanSection IV Emergency Surgery 635
    Introduction to Emergency General Surgery: Evaluation
    of the Acute Abdomen 637
    David V. Feliciano • Grace F. Rozycki
    Preparation, Initial Resuscitation, and Management of the Patient
    for the Emergency Operation 646
    Benjamin J. Moran • Brandon R. Bruns
    Acute Abdomen in ICU Patients 651
    Alexandra Briggs • Matthew R. Rosengart
    Bowel Obstruction 661
    Leslie Kobayashi • Raul Coimbra
    Gastrointestinal Bleeding 675
    Shimena Li • Brian S. Zuckerbraun
    Acute Pancreatitis 690
    Ari Leppäniemi • Matti Tolonen
    Biliary Tract Disease 697
    Jin H. Ra • Benjamin Braslow
    Appendicitis 712
    Shariq S. Raza • Daniel N. Holena • C. William Schwab
    Esophagus, Stomach, and Duodenum 719
    Louis H. Alarcon • Ryan M. Levy • James D. Luketich
    Inflammatory Diseases of the Intestines 734
    Sidrah Khan • Brian S. Zuckerbraun
    Acute Anorectal Pain 763
    Kellie E. Cunningham • Jennifer Holder-Murray
    Soft Tissue Infection 774
    Cheralyn Hendrix • Babak Sarani
    Vascular Emergencies 781
    Kelly Kempe
    Hernias 793
    Peter E. Fischer • Jennifer M. DiCocco • Timothy C. Fabian
    Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies 804
    Glenn M. Updike
    Laparoscopic Treatment of the Acute Abdomen (Emergency and Trauma) 817
    Abe Fingerhut • Selman Uranues • Luigi Boni
    Miscellaneous Procedures 829
    Alberto García • José Luis Aldana • Juan Carlos Puyana
    Scoring for Injury and Emergency General Surgery 847Section V Surgical Rescue, Complications 857
    Rescue in Acute Care Surgery 859
    Daniel N. Holena • Andrew B. Peitzman
    Complications of Tracheostomy and Intubation 865
    Josh Hazelton • Steven Ross
    Complications of PEG Tubes, Jejunostomy Tubes, and EGD 874
    Stephen Dingley • Brian A. Hoey • Roderick M. Quiros • Stanislaw P. Stawicki
    Complications of Gastrointestinal Surgery 881
    Esmaeel Reza Dadashzadeh • Rafael G. Ramos-Jimenez • Kenneth K. W. Lee
    Complications of Bariatric Surgery 901
    Anita P. Courcoulas
    Retained Hemothorax, Pleural Effusion, and Empyema 919
    Fulin Lillian Lee • Jeremy W. Cannon
    Appendix A: AAST Organ Injury Scales 927
    Appendix B: AAST Emergency General Surgery Scores 945
    Index 955
    • Up-to-date coverage of trauma, critical care, and emergency general surgery from a newly expanded group of national and international experts in the field.
    • Organized in a chronological fashion following the usual events and phases of care after injury or acute surgical illness.
    • Many new and revised chapters throughout the book, plus an entirely new section on surgical rescue and management of frequent complications.
    • Evidence-based recommendations backed by extensive clinical experience, presented in a quick-reference format for ease of use.
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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The Trauma Manual

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