Each high-quality volume in the esteemed Washington Manual series brings together contributions from faculty and residents at the Washington University ...
Each high-quality volume in the esteemed Washington Manual series brings together contributions from faculty and residents at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The Washington Manual of Emergency Medicine, the latest addition to the series, focuses on practical content on how physicians actually practice emergency care. Comprehensive and concise, it also acts as a handy quick-reference, delivering need-to-know information at your fingertips, even in point-of-care situations. Features:
Goes beyond the scope of a traditional emergency medicine reference to address topics such as interactions, treatments, and patient stabilization.
Organized into practice-facing sections focusing on content for emergency medicine professionals.
Ideal for students and residents in emergency departments, emergency medicine physicians, and advanced practice nurses and physician assistants.
Each chapter follows a templated structure so you can uncover information quickly and apply it to a care situation effectively.
Covers issues appropriate for emergency departments: toxicology, end-of-life procedures, psychiatric care, ultrasound, violence in the ER, procedural skills, and more.
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
5 x 8
Publication Date
September 22, 2017
Mark D Levine MD, FACEP
Mark D. Levine, MD, FACEP Associate Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine Course Director, Medical Student Education Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri
Acute Coronary Syndrome Cardiac Rhythms Disorders of the Arterial System Disorders of the Venous System Heart Failure Hypertension Pericarditis Valvular Pathology Lesion descriptions Dermatitis Infections of the skin Stevens-Johnson/TEN Adrenal disorders Endocrine tumors/disorders Glycemic Emergencies Thyroid disorders Bites and envenomations Drowning Dysbarics Electrical Injuries High Altitude Illness Temperature Related Emergencies Abdominal wall disorders Esophageal Emergencies Anorectal Emergencies Gallbladder/B>Gastric Disorders Hepatic Disorders Large Bowel Emergencies Pancreatitis Small Bowel Emergencies Geriatric Emergency Medicine Ear Emergencies Eye Emergencies Oropharyngeal Emergencies Hemophilia Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura Sickle Cell Disease Transfusion reactions Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Allergic reactions Antibiotic stewardship/selection Emerging infectious diseases Infections in the Immunocompomised patient Sepsis STD Tick-Borne Illnesses Tropical Illnesses Disorders of Calcium Disorders of Potassium Disorders of Sodium Ankylosing Spondylitis Arthropathies and Bursitis Compression fractures Epidural Abscess Hand Disorders Inflammation/Infection of the MSK Osteomyelitis Overuse syndromes Low Back Pain Sciatica Spinal Stenosis Cranial Nerve Disorder Demyelinating disease Dizziness and Vertigo Headache Hydrocephalus Infection/Inflammation Neuromuscular disorders Seizure Disorder Stroke/TIA Tumor Complications of Pregnancy Ectopic Pregnancy Female Genital Tract Pathology Labor and Delivery Normal Pregnancy Postpartum complications Addiction Delerium and Dementia Factitious disorders Mood/Thought disorders Mood/Thought disorders Neurotic disorders Personality disorders Tardive Dyskensia Acid Base Disturbances Acute and chronic renal failure Dialysis complications Hematuria Infection Male GU tract Disorders Rhabdomyolysis Urinary Retention Asthma Hemoptysis Lower airway disorders Mediastinitis Obstructive Lung Disease Pleural Disorders Pneumothorax Pulmonary Embolism Pulmonary Hypertension Restrictive Lung Disease Tox, Opioid Intox, Withdrawal Toxic ingestions of plants Approach to trauma Blast Injuries Trauma in Pregnancy Abdominal Trauma Chest Trauma Cutaneous/Soft Tissue Trauma Extremity Trauma Facial Trauma GU Tract Trauma Head Trauma Neck Trauma Ophthalmologic Trauma Spine/Spinal cord Trauma Airway Analgesia Arthrocentesis Epistaxis treatment IO Access I&D Lumbar Puncture Diagnostic Paracentesis Pericardiocentesis Procedural sedation Resuscitation Splinting Suturing Thoracostomy Thoracotomy Ultrasound Vascular access Ventilator management Consent and capacity Cultural awareness Delivering bad news Evidence-based medicine Fatigue/burnout Fed laws and emergency care Palliative care Physician Impairment Prehospital/EMS Coding and Documentation Social media Violence in the ED
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