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Therapeutic Exercise for Physical Therapy Assistants

Techniques for Intervention
Edition: 3
Publication Date:
October 8, 2012
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Therapeutic Exercise for Physical Therapist Assistants is the first and only textbook that offers the training you need to fulfill ...
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  • Therapeutic Exercise for Physical Therapist Assistants is the first and only textbook that offers the training you need to fulfill your responsibilities as a physical therapist assistant. This book gives you the knowledge and skills to effectively implement patient treatment plans using therapeutic exercise techniques that you administer under the direction of a physical therapist.
    Detailed descriptions are provided for the gamut of therapeutic exercises, including range of motion, stretching, open chain resistance training, plyometrics, and functional return. You learn the purpose, position, and procedure for each technique for a complete understanding of how to guide patients in performing these exercises.
    · Three New Chapters have been added :
    o Joint Mobilization
    o Therapeutic Exercise for the Preparation of Gait Activities
    o Application of Therapeutic Exercise Using Sample Protocols
    · Review Questions at the end of each chapter test your knowledge and comprehension.

    · Chapter Objectives summarize key concepts at the beginning of each chapter.
    · Case Studies demonstrate how the techniques presented in the text are applied to actual patients and how physical therapist assistants and physical therapists work together.
    · Pediatric and Geriatric Boxes set forth recommendations for exercises that accommodate the needs of children and the elderly.
    · Clinical Guidelines summarize how, why, and when to use specific techniques.
    · A Glossary defines key words and concepts that you need to know.
    With contributions from 26 therapeutic exercise experts, this textbook not only helps you develop the skills needed to become a physical therapist assistant, but it will also serve as a valuable on-the-job reference for many years to come.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    October 8, 2012
  • William D. Bandy PhD, PT, SCS, ATC
    Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR
  • Contributors
    Preface to Third Edition
    PART I: Foundations of Therapeutic Exercise 
    1. Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise
    2. The Role of the Physical Therapist Assistant
    PART II: Mobility 
    3. Range of Motion
    4. Joint Mobilization
    5. Stretching Activities for Increasing Muscle Flexibility
    PART III: Strength and Power 
    6. Principles of Resistance Training
    7. Open-Chain–Resistance Training
    8. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
    9. Closed-Kinetic–Chain Exercise
    10. Plyometrics
    PART IV: Balance 
    11. Balance Training
    12. Reactive Neuromuscular Training
    PART V: Cardiopulmonary Applications 
    13. Principles of Aerobic Conditioning and Cardiac Rehabilitation
    14. Enhancement of Breathing and Pulmonary Function
    PART VI: Functional Progression in Therapeutic Exercise 
    15. Functional Progression for the Spine
    16. Functional Progression for the Extremities
    PART VII: Unique Applications of Therapeutic Exercise 
    17. Aquatic Therapy
    18. Therapeutic Exercise for the Preparation
    of Gait Activities
    19. Principles of Contextual Fitness and Function for Older Adults
    20. Application of Therapeutic Exercise using Sample Protocols
  • · Chapter Objectives summarize key concepts at the beginning of each chapter.
    · Case Studies demonstrate how the techniques presented in the text are applied to actual patients and how physical therapist assistants and physical therapists work together.
    · Pediatric and Geriatric Boxes set forth recommendations for exercises that accommodate the needs of children and the elderly.
    · Clinical Guidelines summarize how, why, and when to use specific techniques.
    · A Glossary defines key words and concepts that you need to know.
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Therapeutic Exercise for Physical Therapy Assistants

Therapeutic Exercise for Physical Therapy Assistants

ISBN/ISSN: 9781608314201
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