Uniquely designed for the Core Exam, Ultrasound: A Core Review covers all key aspects of ultrasound, mimicking the image-rich, multiple-choice format of the actual test. Ideal for residents getting ready for the Core Examination, as well as practitioners taking recertification exams, this one-of-a-kind review follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, effectively preparing you for Core Exam success!Key Features:
Contains 300 image-rich ultrasound questions with answers, explanations, and references.
Features high-quality black-and-white, color, and spectral Doppler images throughout.
Covers organ-specific ultrasound as well as gynecologic, pregnancy, vascular, musculoskeletal, peritoneal space, retroperitoneum, abdominal wall, chest, and ultrasound-guided procedures.
Includes questions on noninterpretive skills such as ultrasound physics and quality and safety.
Provides answers and rationales as to why an answer is correct and other choices are incorrect.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
A Core Review
Publication Date
November 21, 2017
Ruchi Shrestha MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center UPMC Shadyside Hospital Department of Radiology Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ka-Kei Ngan MD
Department of Radiology University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
USD $89.99
USD $71.99
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