Understanding Colorectal Cancer, Second Edition explains colorectal cancer with easy-to-understand text and illustrations of colorectal anatomy including transverse, descending, ascending ...
Understanding Colorectal Cancer, Second Edition explains colorectal cancer with easy-to-understand text and illustrations of colorectal anatomy including transverse, descending, ascending colon, rectum, and the jejunum. Fully up to date with current guidelines, the chart includes risk factors, signs and symptoms, screening and tests, staging illustrations, and treatment options.
Featured sections:
Risk Factors
Signs and Symptoms
Screening, including a Type of Test table with descriptions and timing for each test for the various stool-based and direct visualization tests
Colorectal Cancer Stages
Treatment Options, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy (RT), targe
Illustrations included:
Primary anatomical illustration with labels for transverse colon, descending colon sigmoid colon, cecum, ascending colon, vermiform appendix, rectum, and anus
Smaller inset pathological illustrations of adenocarcinoma of colon, colonic polyps, adenocarcinoma of transverse colon, adenocarcinoma of descending colon, adenocarcinoma of the rectosigmoid region
Descriptive staging illustrations for Stages I through IV colorectal cancer
20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners
Product Format
Trim Size
20 x 26
Anatomical Chart Company
Featured sections:
Risk Factors
Signs and Symptoms
Screening, including a Type of Test table with descriptions and timing for each test for the various stool-based and direct visualization tests
Colorectal Cancer Stages
Treatment Options, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy (RT), targe
Illustrations included:
Primary anatomical illustration with labels for transverse colon, descending colon sigmoid colon, cecum, ascending colon, vermiform appendix, rectum, and anus
Smaller inset pathological illustrations of adenocarcinoma of colon, colonic polyps, adenocarcinoma of transverse colon, adenocarcinoma of descending colon, adenocarcinoma of the rectosigmoid region
Descriptive staging illustrations for Stages I through IV colorectal cancer
20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners
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9781975192396Understanding Colorectal Cancer Anatomical Chart9781975192396Home / Medicine / Understanding Colorectal Cancer Anatomical Chart 1https://t16833-s25855.mozu.com/Understanding-Colorectal--Cancer-Anatomical-Chart/p/9781975192396//cdn-tp2.mozu.com/16833-25855/cms/25855/files/4629a3e5-973c-437c-adfd-db250a6c7ff425.9925.9925.991
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