Understanding Pancreatic Cancer, Second Edition, is a highly illustrated, user-friendly chart that explains the role of the pancreas in the digestive system and describes pancreatic cancer. Fully up to date with current guidelines, this second edition covers anatomy, classification of pancreatic cancer, signs and symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options.
Featured sections:
Signs and Symptoms
Risk Factors
Classification of Pancreatic Cancer
Treatment Options, including the various local and systemic therapies
Illustrations included:
Pancreas—close up with related vessels and organs with insets of tumor on tail of pancreas and tumor on head of pancreas
Location of Pancreas and Surrounding Organs—lung, liver, stomach, spleen, small intestines, large intestines, and gallbladder
20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners
Product Format
Anatomical Chart Company
Featured sections:
Signs and Symptoms
Risk Factors
Classification of Pancreatic Cancer
Treatment Options, including the various local and systemic therapies
Illustrations included:
Pancreas—close up with related vessels and organs with insets of tumor on tail of pancreas and tumor on head of pancreas
Location of Pancreas and Surrounding Organs—lung, liver, stomach, spleen, small intestines, large intestines, and gallbladder
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