With concise text and a simple, easy-to-follow organizational structure, the brand-new Vascular Decision Making: Medical, Endovascular, Surgical helps you make ...
With concise text and a simple, easy-to-follow organizational structure, the brand-new Vascular Decision Making: Medical, Endovascular, Surgical helps you make well-informed treatment and procedural decisions on a variety of vascular conditions and diseases you encounter in clinical settings with patients.
Over 90 disease states are presented, each with a 2-page step-by-step algorithm of decision making followed by accompanying descriptive text which is keyed to decision making points in the tree.
Topics covered are organized in sections on Preoperative Evaluation and Medical Treatment, Atherosclerotic Cerebrovascular Disease, Non-Atherosclerotic Cerebrovascular Disease, Thoracic Aortic Disease, Aortoiliac Aneurysms, Other Aneurysms, Visceral Artery Disease, Renovascular Diseases, Atherosclerotic Lower Extremity Disease, Non-Atherosclerotic Lower Extremity Disease, Upper Extremity Disease, Vascular Trauma, Hemodialysis Access, Venous Insufficiency, Lymphatic Diseases & Malformations, Venous Thrombosis, and Complications.
Each disorder-specific section or chapter follows a similar pattern, and addresses signs & symptoms, the patient assessment, imaging, surgical evaluation, complications, pre- and post-op activities, and more.
Contributors number more than 100, and represent diverse experiences and backgrounds in vascular surgery, imaging and radiology, and other fields.
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The book includes free access to the Zingtree companion site, allowing clinicians to step through each algorithm and explanatory text on their smartphone, to make the process applicable for point of care use.
Over 90 disease states are presented, each with a 2-page step-by-step algorithm of decision making followed by accompanying descriptive text which is keyed to decision making points in the tree.
Topics covered are organized in sections on Preoperative Evaluation and Medical Treatment, Atherosclerotic Cerebrovascular Disease, Non-Atherosclerotic Cerebrovascular Disease, Thoracic Aortic Disease, Aortoiliac Aneurysms, Other Aneurysms, Visceral Artery Disease, Renovascular Diseases, Atherosclerotic Lower Extremity Disease, Non-Atherosclerotic Lower Extremity Disease, Upper Extremity Disease, Vascular Trauma, Hemodialysis Access, Venous Insufficiency, Lymphatic Diseases & Malformations, Venous Thrombosis, and Complications.
Each disorder-specific section or chapter follows a similar pattern, and addresses signs & symptoms, the patient assessment, imaging, surgical evaluation, complications, pre- and post-op activities, and more.
Contributors number more than 100, and represent diverse experiences and backgrounds in vascular surgery, imaging and radiology, and other fields.
Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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