An excellent resource for appropriate test ordering and interpretation, Wallach’s Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, 11th Edition, helps you save time, ...
An excellent resource for appropriate test ordering and interpretation, Wallach’s Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, 11th Edition, helps you save time, avoid errors, and arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Organized into two easy-to-reference sections, this fully revised manual provides comprehensive, practical information on common and uncommon disease states and their diagnosis by laboratory test. The eleventh edition has been revised and reorganized based on reader feedback, helping primary care physicians, subspecialists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and medical and nursing students keep pace with a rapidly changing health care environment.
An easy-to-use organization presents routine and lesser known lab tests first (alphabetically, with detailed descriptions), with disease states following.
Newly concise and streamlined content is highlighted by abundant tables, algorithms, and bulleted lists and checklists.
A new pull-out card, “Ask Before You Test,” helps you remember to check key factors that affect lab tests.
Content updates include new information in the genetic, molecular diagnostics, and neurology testing chapters.
Frequently ordered tests are included in tabular form, as well as in a tear-out version for convenient clinical use.
An expanded index helps you efficiently locate needed information.
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Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
6 x 9
Publication Date
December 16, 2019
L Michael Snyder M.D.
Contents Contributors v Foreword vii Tribute to Jacques Wallach ix Preface xi Preface to the First Edition xiii Acknowledgments xv CHAPTER 1 FALTs: Factors Affecting Laboratory Tests 1 L. V. Rao CHAPTER 2 Laboratory Tests 16 L. V. Rao and Hongbo Yu CHAPTER 3 Infectious Disease Assays 464 Michael J. Mitchell, Marzena M. Galdzicka, and L. V. Rao CHAPTER 4 Autoimmune Diseases 594 M. Rabie Al-Turkmani CHAPTER 5 Cardiovascular Disorders 613 Mohammed Waseem Akhter and Craig S. Smith CHAPTER 6 Central Nervous System Disorders 669 Juliana G. Szakacs and Edward I. Ginns CHAPTER 7 Digestive Diseases 728 L. Michael Snyder and Michael J. Mitchell CHAPTER 8 Endocrine Diseases 814 Hongbo Yu CHAPTER 9 Genitourinary System Disorders 877 Charles R. Kieferxviii Contents CHAPTER 10 Gynecologic and Obstetric Disorders 906 Juliana G. Szakacs CHAPTER 11 Hematologic Disorders 933 Hongbo Yu CHAPTER 12 Hereditary and Genetic Diseases 1061 Marzena M. Galdzicka, Patricia Minehart Miron, and Edward I. Ginns CHAPTER 13 Infectious Diseases 1120 Michael J. Mitchell CHAPTER 14 Renal Disorders 1210 M. Rabie Al-Turkmani CHAPTER 15 Respiratory, Metabolic, and Acid–Base Disorders 1251 L. V. Rao and Michael J. Mitchell CHAPTER 16 Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1308 Amanda J. Jenkins CHAPTER 17 Transfusion Medicine 1325 Vishesh Chhibber APPENDIX Abbreviations and Acronyms 1343 Index 1359
An easy-to-use organization presents routine and lesser known lab tests first (alphabetically, with detailed descriptions), with disease states following.
Newly concise and streamlined content is highlighted by abundant tables, algorithms, and bulleted lists and checklists.
A new pull-out card, “Ask Before You Test,” helps you remember to check key factors that affect lab tests.
Content updates include new information in the genetic, molecular diagnostics, and neurology testing chapters.
Frequently ordered tests are included in tabular form, as well as in a tear-out version for convenient clinical use.
An expanded index helps you efficiently locate needed information.
Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience
Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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