Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!
Reflecting the trusted expertise of Dr. John B. West and Dr. Andrew M. Luks, West’s Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials, Tenth Edition offers accessible explanations of disease processes that affect the respiratory system. This best-selling companion to West’s Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials, 11th Edition, has served generations of students and practitioners who work with respiratory patients, presenting vital knowledge in a concise, straightforward manner that’s easy to understand.
Building on this legacy of success, the tenth edition is updated throughout with the latest clinical perspectives, new images, clinical vignettes, and enhanced USMLE-style review questions to help students excel in today’s changing healthcare practice.
UPDATED! Clinical Vignettes with open-ended questions demonstrate the real-world application of basic science and strengthen students’ self-assessment.
UPDATED! Radiographs, CT images, and color histopathologic sections clarify diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
UPDATED! USMLE-style multiple-choice questions, with answers, at the end of each chapter reveal areas requiring further study and boost students’ test-taking confidence.
Clinical features/notes boxes provide efficient, bulleted review for key diseases.
End-of-chapter Key Concepts reviews reinforce essential chapter information at a glance.
Appendices provide fast access to symbols, units, and normal values; further readings; and answers to multiple-choice and Clinical Vignette questions.
Online video lectures, available via YouTube, engage students in the material and clarify challenging textbook concepts.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
6 x 9
Publication Date
May 25, 2021
John B. West MD, PhD, DSc
Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Physiology School of Medicine University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA
Andrew M. Luks MD
Associate Professor Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Harborview Medical Center Seattle, WA
CONTENTS Preface v PART ONE LUNG fUNCTION TESTS aND WHa T THEY MEaN CHAPTER 1 VENTILaTION 3 CHAPTER 2 GaS EXCHaNGE 22 CHAPTER 3 OTHEr TESTS 48 PART TWO fUNCTION Of THE DISEaSED LUNG CHAPTER 4 OBSTrUCTIVE DISEaSES 69 CHAPTER 5 rESTrICTIVE DISEaSES 107 CHAPTER 6 PULMONar Y VaSCULar DISEaSES 135 CHAPTER 7 ENVIrONMENT aL, OCCUPaTIONaL, NEOPLaSTIC, aND INfECTIOUS DISEaSES 164 PART THREE fUNCTION Of THE faILING LUNG CHAPTER 8 rESPIra TOr Y faILUrE 193 CHAPTER 9 OXYGEN THEraPY 213 CHAPTER 10 MECHaNICaL VENTILa TION 231 appendix a—Symbols, Units, and Normal Values 249 appendix B—further reading 252 appendix C—answers to the End-of-Chapter Questions 253 appendix D—answers to Questions in Clinical Vignettes 274 Index 281
UPDATED! Clinical Vignettes with open-ended questions demonstrate the real-world application of basic science and strengthen students’ self-assessment.
UPDATED! Radiographs, CT images, and color histopathologic sections clarify diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
UPDATED! USMLE-style multiple-choice questions, with answers, at the end of each chapter reveal areas requiring further study and boost students’ test-taking confidence.
Clinical features/notes boxes provide efficient, bulleted review for key diseases.
End-of-chapter Key Concepts reviews reinforce essential chapter information at a glance.
Appendices provide fast access to symbols, units, and normal values; further readings; and answers to multiple-choice and Clinical Vignette questions.
Online video lectures, available via YouTube, engage students in the material and clarify challenging textbook concepts.
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