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Willard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy 14e Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package

Edition: 14
Publication Date:
July 20, 2023
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Bundled with Lippincott® Connect, Willard & Spackman’s Occupational Therapy, 14th Edition is more informative and approachable than ever. By using ...
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  • Bundled with Lippincott® Connect, Willard & Spackman’s Occupational Therapy, 14th Edition is more informative and approachable than ever. By using multimedia content and customizable assignments, this edition strengthens comprehension and prepares you for success in your course. 

    A foundational book for use from the classroom to fieldwork and throughout practice, Willard & Spackman’s Occupational Therapy, 14th Edition, remains the must-have resource for the Occupational Therapy profession. This cornerstone of OT and OTA education offers students a practical, comprehensive overview of the many theories and facets of OT care, while its status as one of the top texts informing the NBCOT certification exam makes it an essential volume for new practitioners.
    The updated 14th edition presents a more realistic and inclusive focus of occupational therapy as a world-wide approach to enhancing occupational performance, participation, and quality of life. It aims to help today’s students and clinicians around the world focus on the pursuit of fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all while striving to identify and eliminate barriers that prevent full participation.

    Lippincott® Connect enhances your student experience in an all-in-one learning solution combining an interactive eBook, multimedia content, and assessment. Instructors can customize the course, create assignments, and track your progress. Students maximize efficiency through valuable feedback and remediation. Key performance insights are reported in a user-friendly dashboard that allows you to tailor your learning experiences. 

    • NEW! Expanded and inclusive chapters on theory including Occupational Consciousness,  KAWA Model, and Model of  Occupational  Wholeness; new chapters on Routines and Habits and providing occupational therapy for people experiencing Forced Migration andChildhood Trauma; and up-to-date chapters on providing occupational therapy via Telehealth, considering Safety and Infection and Control, and within the WHO’s model of Primary Health Care familiarize students with rapidly growing areas of OT practice.
    • NEW!  Expanding Our Perspectives features present a different point of view on the content of every chapter with an emphasis on presenting people and communities who are often missed or not seen in occupational therapy texts.
    • The most comprehensive approach to occupational therapy available summarizes the full breadth and scope of the field and clarifies complex information.
    • NEW! OT Stories are case studies with questions that provide valuable problem-solving practice in dealing with clients, practice issues, and managing OT services and staff.
    • UPDATED! Videos reinforce key OT practices in vivid detail and clarity.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Standard Package
    Lippincott Connect
    Publication Date
    July 20, 2023
  • Glen Gillen Ed.D, OTR, FAOTA
    Associate Professor of Clinical Occupational Therapy
    Columbia University
    New York, NY
    Catana Brown PhD, OTR, FAOTA
$ 161.15 USD $161.15

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Willard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy 14e Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package

Willard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy 14e Lippincott Connect Print Book and Digital Access Card Package

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975219178
USD $161.15 Quantity:
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