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ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription

Edition: 11
Publication Date:
April 8, 2021
New edition forthcoming
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The flagship title from the prestigious American College of Sports Medicine, this critical handbook delivers scientifically based, evidence-informed standards to ...
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  • The flagship title from the prestigious American College of Sports Medicine, this critical handbook delivers scientifically based, evidence-informed standards to prepare you for success.
    Providing succinct summaries of recommended procedures for exercise testing and exercise prescription in healthy and diseased patients, this trusted manual is an essential resource for all exercise professionals, as well as other health professionals who may counsel patients on exercise including physicians, nurses, physician assistants, physical and occupational therapists, dieticians, and health care administrators. The extensively updated eleventh edition has been reorganized for greater clarity and integrates the latest Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

    • UPDATED! Integrated guidelines, including the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, reflect the most current, clinically sound approaches to exercise testing and prescription.
    • NEW! Chapter on conditions that affect the brain familiarizes students with specific strategies for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, depression and anxiety. 
    • UPDATED! Enhanced organization helps students find information quickly and easily.    
    • FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type) boxes make locating critical exercise prescription information quick and easy.
    • Revised appendices integrate valuable information on ECGs, medication and emergency management where it is most relevant. A new appendix on metabolic equations is included.
    • Additional boxes, tables, and figures highlight important concepts and approaches at a glance.  
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Spiralbound
    Trim Size
    5 x 8
    Lippincott Connect-ACSM
    Publication Date
    April 8, 2021
  • Gary Liguori
    American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • Contents
    1 Benefits and Risks Associated with Physical Activity 1
    Introduction 1
    Physical Activity and Fitness Terminology 1
    Public Health Perspective for Current Recommendations 4
    Sedentary Behavior and Health 7
    Health Benefits of Regular Physical Activity and Exercise 9
    Health Benefits of Improving Muscular Fitness 10
    Risks Associated with Physical Activity and Exercise 10
    Exercise-Related Musculoskeletal Injury 12
    Sudden Cardiac Death among Young Individuals 12
    Exercise-Related Cardiac Events in Adults 14
    Exercise Testing and the Risk of Cardiac Events 16
    Risks of Cardiac Events during Cardiac Rehabilitation 16
    Prevention of Exercise-Related Cardiac Events 16
    Online Resources 19
    References 19
    2 Pre-exercise Evaluation 27
    Introduction 27
    Informed Consent 28
    Exercise Preparticipation Health Screening 28
    American College of Sports Medicine Preparticipation
    Screening Process 31
    American College of Sports Medicine Preparticipation
    Screening Algorithm 32
    Algorithm Components 32
    Using the Algorithm 37
    Alternative Self-Guided Method 40
    Exercise Testing 45
    Risk Stratification for Individuals with Clinical
    Conditions and Medical Fitness Facilities 45
    Pre-exercise Evaluation 45
    Medical History and Cardiovascular Disease Risk
    Factor Assessment 47
    Additional Recommendations 48
    Online Resources 55
    References 55xxiv ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing • www.acsm.org
    3 Health-Related Physical Fitness Testing and Interpretation 58
    Introduction 58
    Purposes of Health-Related Physical Fitness Testing 58
    Basic Principles and Guidelines 59
    Pretest Instructions for Fitness Testing 59
    Organizing the Fitness Test 59
    Test Environment 60
    A Comprehensive Health Fitness Evaluation 60
    Measurement of Resting Heart Rate and Blood Pressure 61
    Body Composition 61
    Anthropometric Methods 63
    Densitometry 70
    Other Techniques 72
    Body Composition Norms 72
    Cardiorespiratory Fitness 73
    The Concept of Maximal Oxygen Uptake 75
    Maximal versus Submaximal Exercise Testing 76
    Cardiorespiratory Test Sequence and Measures 77
    Test Termination Criteria 79
    Modes of Testing 79
    Submaximal Exercise Tests 87
    Interpretation of Results 87
    Muscular Fitness 90
    Rationale 92
    Principles 93
    Muscular Strength 93
    Muscular Endurance 97
    Muscular Power 100
    Flexibility 100
    Balance 103
    Online Resources 105
    References 106
    4 Clinical Exercise Testing and Interpretation 113
    Introduction 113
    Indications for a Clinical Exercise Test 113
    Conducting the Clinical Exercise Test 115
    Testing Staff 117
    Testing Mode and Protocol 119
    Monitoring and Test Termination 121
    Post-exercise 124
    Safety 124
    Interpreting the Clinical Exercise Test 126
    Heart Rate Response 126
    Blood Pressure Response 126
    Rate-Pressure Product 127
    Electrocardiogram 128
    Symptoms 129xxv Contents
    Exercise Capacity 130
    Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing 131
    Maximal versus Peak Cardiorespiratory Stress 131
    Diagnostic Value of Exercise Testing for the Detection of
    Ischemic Heart Disease 133
    Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Value 133
    Clinical Exercise Test Data and Prognosis 135
    Clinical Exercise Tests with Imaging 135
    Field Walking Tests 137
    Online Resources 138
    References 138
    5 General Principles of Exercise Prescription 142
    An Introduction to the Principles of Exercise Prescription 142
    General Considerations for Exercise Prescription 143
    Components of the Exercise Training Session 143
    Cardiorespiratory Fitness 144
    Frequency of Aerobic Exercise 145
    Intensity of Aerobic Exercise 146
    Time (Duration) of Aerobic Exercise 150
    Type (Mode) 151
    Volume (Quantity) of Aerobic Exercise 151
    Progression of Aerobic Exercise 153
    Resistance Training 153
    Frequency of Resistance Training Exercise 155
    Intensity of Resistance Training Exercise 155
    Types of Resistance Training Exercises 156
    Rest Intervals for Resistance Training Exercises 157
    Volume (Number of Sets per Week) of Resistance
    Training Exercise 157
    Progression of Resistance Training Exercise 157
    Flexibility 158
    Types of Flexibility Exercises 160
    Volume of Flexibility Exercise
    (Time, Repetitions, and Frequency) 160
    References 161
    6 Exercise Prescription for Healthy Populations with
    Special Considerations 167
    Children and Adolescents 167
    Exercise Testing 168
    Exercise Prescription 169
    Special Considerations 171
    Online Resources 172
    Low Back Pain 172
    Exercise Testing 174
    Exercise Prescription 175
    Special Considerations 176
    Online Resources 177xxvi ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing • www.acsm.org
    Older Adults 177
    Exercise Testing 178
    Exercise Prescription 181
    Special Considerations for Exercise Programming 185
    Online Resources 186
    Pregnancy 186
    Exercise Testing 188
    Exercise Prescription 188
    Special Considerations 193
    Online Resources 193
    References 194
    7 Environmental Considerations for Exercise Prescription 202
    Introduction 202
    Exercise in High-Altitude Environments 202
    Altitude Acclimatization 203
    Rapid Ascent 204
    Assessing Individual Altitude Acclimatization Status 205
    Medical Considerations: Altitude Illnesses and
    Preexisting Conditions 205
    Prevention and Treatment of Altitude Sickness 207
    Exercise Prescription 207
    Special Considerations 208
    Organizational Planning 209
    Exercise in Cold Environments 209
    Medical Considerations: Cold Injuries 209
    Cardiac and Respiratory Considerations 212
    Clothing Considerations 214
    Exercise Prescription 214
    Exercise in Hot Environments 215
    Counteracting Dehydration 215
    Medical Considerations: Exertional Heat Illnesses 217
    Exercise Prescription 220
    Special Considerations 220
    References 222
    8 Exercise Prescription for Individuals with Cardiovascular
    and Pulmonary Diseases 226
    Introduction 226
    Cardiovascular, Peripheral Arterial, and Pulmonary Diseases 226
    Inpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs 227
    Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation 232
    Individuals with Heart Failure 237
    Individuals with a Sternotomy 240
    Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter De? brillator 241
    Individuals after Cardiac Transplantation 243
    Individuals with Peripheral Artery Disease 245
    Exercise Testing 246
    FITT Recommendations for Individuals with xxvii Contents
    Peripheral Artery Disease 247
    Exercise Training Considerations 248
    Individuals with a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) 248
    Exercise Testing 248
    Exercise Prescription 249
    Exercise Training Considerations 249
    Other Considerations 250
    Exercise Training for Return to Work 251
    Pulmonary Diseases 251
    Asthma 252
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 255
    Exercise Training for Pulmonary Diseases Other
    than Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 261
    Online Resources 265
    References 266
    9 Exercise Prescription for Individuals with
    Metabolic Disease and Cardiovascular Disease
    Risk Factors 276
    Introduction 276
    Diabetes Mellitus 276
    Benefits of Regular Physical Activity for Diabetes 278
    Exercise Testing 279
    Exercise Prescription 279
    Special Considerations 282
    Online Resources 285
    Dyslipidemia 285
    Exercise Testing 286
    Exercise Prescription 286
    Special Consideration 288
    Online Resources 288
    Hypertension 288
    Exercise Testing 289
    Exercise Prescription 290
    Special Considerations 292
    Online Resources 293
    Metabolic Syndrome 293
    Exercise Testing 293
    Exercise Prescription/Special Considerations 295
    Online Resources 296
    Overweight and Obesity 296
    Exercise Testing 297
    Exercise Prescription 298
    Special Considerations 299
    Bariatric Surgery 299
    Online Resources 300
    References 300xxviii ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing • www.acsm.org
    10 Exercise Testing and Prescription for Populations with
    Other Chronic Diseases and Health Conditions 307
    Introduction 307
    Arthritis 307
    Exercise Testing 309
    Exercise Prescription 309
    Special Considerations 312
    Online Resources 312
    Cancer 312
    Overview of Importance of Physical Activity in
    Cancer Survivors 313
    Preparticipation Evaluation 314
    Exercise Prescription 318
    Summary 324
    Online Resources 324
    Fibromyalgia 324
    Exercise Testing 327
    Exercise Prescription 328
    Special Considerations 331
    Online Sources 332
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus 332
    Exercise Testing 333
    Exercise Prescription 334
    Special Considerations 335
    Online Resources 336
    Kidney Disease 336
    Exercise Testing 336
    Exercise Prescription 338
    Special Considerations 340
    Online Resources 341
    Multiple Sclerosis 341
    Exercise Testing 344
    Exercise Testing Considerations 345
    Exercise Prescription 346
    Special Considerations 347
    Online Resources 348
    Osteoporosis 348
    Exercise Testing 349
    Exercise Prescription 349
    Special Considerations 349
    Online Resources 351
    Spinal Cord Injury 351
    Exercise Testing 352
    Exercise Prescription 354
    Special Considerations 358
    Online Resources 361xxix Contents
    Multiple Chronic Diseases and Health Conditions 361
    Exercise Testing 361
    Exercise Prescription 362
    Special Considerations 362
    References 362
    11 Brain Health and Brain-Related Disorders 378
    Introduction 378
    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 379
    Exercise Testing 380
    Exercise Prescription 380
    Future Directions 381
    Online Resources 382
    Alzheimer’s Disease 382
    Exercise Testing 384
    Exercise Prescription 385
    Future Directions 387
    Online Resources 387
    Anxiety and Depression 387
    Exercise Testing 388
    Exercise Prescription 388
    Exercise Considerations 390
    Special Considerations 391
    Online Resources 391
    Autism Spectrum Disorder 392
    Exercise Testing 393
    Exercise Prescription 393
    Exercise Training Considerations 395
    Future Directions 395
    Online Resources 396
    Cerebral Palsy 397
    Exercise Testing 398
    Exercise Prescription 400
    Online Resources 403
    Intellectual Disability and Down Syndrome 403
    Exercise Testing 404
    Exercise Prescription 407
    Special Considerations for Individuals with
    Intellectual Disability 409
    Special Considerations for Individuals with
    Down Syndrome 410
    Online Resources 411
    Parkinson’s Disease 412
    Exercise Testing 416
    Exercise Programming 418
    Special Considerations 422
    Future Directions 423xxx ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing • www.acsm.org
    Online Resources 424
    References 424
    12 Behavioral Theories and Strategies for Promoting Exercise 441
    Introduction 441
    Modifying the Exercise Prescription 441
    Frequency/Time 442
    Intensity 442
    Type 442
    Theoretical Foundations for Understanding Exercise Behavior 443
    Social Cognitive Theory 443
    Transtheoretical Model 446
    Health Belief Model 447
    Self-Determination Theory 447
    Theory of Planned Behavior 449
    Social Ecological Models 449
    Dual Processing Theories 450
    Strategies and Approaches for Increasing Physical Activity 452
    Enhancing Self-Efficacy 452
    Self-Monitoring 452
    Goal Setting 453
    Implementation Intentions 453
    Reinforcement 453
    Social Support 454
    Problem Solving 455
    Affect Regulation 455
    Relapse Prevention 457
    Brief Counseling and Motivational Interviewing 457
    Stage of Change Tailored Counseling 458
    Group Leader Effectiveness 458
    Special Populations 460
    Cultural Diversity 461
    Older Adults 461
    Individuals with Mental Illness 462
    Youth 462
    Individuals with Obesity 463
    Individuals with Chronic Diseases and Health Conditions 463
    Online Resources 464
    References 464
    Appendix A Common Medications 470
    Appendix B Electrocardiogram Interpretation 477
    Appendix C American College of Sports Medicine Certifications 482
    Appendix D Metabolic Calculations and Methods for
    Prescribing Exercise Intensity 487
    Appendix E Contributing Authors to the Previous Two Editions 495
    Index 501
    • UPDATED! Integrated guidelines, including the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, reflect the most current, clinically sound approaches to exercise testing and prescription.
    • NEW! Chapter on conditions that affect the brain familiarizes students with specific strategies for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, depression and anxiety. 
    • UPDATED! Enhanced organization helps students find information quickly and easily.    
    • FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type) boxes make locating critical exercise prescription information quick and easy.
    • Revised appendices integrate valuable information on ECGs, medication and emergency management where it is most relevant. A new appendix on metabolic equations is included.
    • Additional boxes, tables, and figures highlight important concepts and approaches at a glance.  
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ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription

ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975150181
USD $56.70 Quantity:
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