This Second Edition of the Hip and Knee Anatomical Chart is completely updated! The main figure shows basic skeletal and ligament anatomy of the hips ...
Stay at the forefront of forensic innovation with The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology. Drawing on the expertise of leading forensi...
Lewin Gastrointestinal Pathology and Its Clinical Implications , Second EditionThis comprehensive, two-volume resource highlights the practical aspect...
Stay Ahead in Anatomic Pathology with Advances in Anatomic Pathology For pathologists seeking to stay informed about the latest breakthroughs in anato...
A detailed chart showing normal anatomy of the foot and common injuries. Each illustration is clealy labeled and injuries are textually described.Anat...
A detailed chart showing normal anatomy of the hand and wrist as well as commong injuries. Each illustration is clealy labeled and injuries are textua...
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring is an outstanding journal that fosters the exchange of knowledge among the various disciplines--clinical pharmacology, pat...
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