This painted version of our budget-priced Mr. Thrifty® skeleton has muscle origins and insertions painted on the left side and important features numb...
Travell, Simons, & Simons' Point Pain Patterns wall charts include the iconic muscles and pain point patterns illustrations that set the standard in t...
Travell, Simons, & Simons' Point Pain Patterns wall charts include the iconic muscles and pain point patterns illustrations that set the standard in t...
Praised for its engaging approach and contemporary coverage, Outcome-Based Massage: Across the Continuum of Care, 4th Edition, continues a tradition o...
The Anatomical Male Muscular System, Second Edition is a modern update of the bestselling, classic The Muscular System chart dating back to 1947. The ...
Now in its Second Edition, The Muscular and Skeletal Systems Illustrated Pocket Anatomy folding study guide takes the Anatomical Chart Company's most...
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