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5MinuteConsult.com helps physicians, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, residents and other healthcare professionals provide the best patient care by ...
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  • 5MinuteConsult.com helps physicians, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, residents and other healthcare professionals provide the best patient care by delivering quick answers they can trust, when and where they need them most – at the point of care. Access a FREE 10-DAY TRIAL at 5MinuteConsult.com.
    5MinuteConsult.com provides clinical content in family medicine for over 20 years. This portal is the fastest way to obtain the most likely diagnosis, treatment and management of thousands of diseases.

    The online portal encompasses:
    • 2,100+ commonly encountered diseases and conditions
    • 200+ Algorithms for fast diagnostic and treatment of most common concerns - including online-exclusive algorithms
    • Evidence-based treatment guidelines and Patient Education Handouts provided by LexiComp, available in both English and Spanish
    • 4,000+ A to Z Drug Monographs from Facts & Comparisons including patient education and drug interactions; browse by generic name or therapeutic classification
    • Over 200 step-by-step Procedure and Physical Therapy Videos to enhance procedure skills
    • Over 2,250 diagnostic images for over 840 topics
    • Image Bank of thousands of online-only images for visual guidance
    • Quick links to popular Calculators and Clinical Guidelines including CDC Immunization, USPSTF Preventative Screening and more
    At no additional charge, physicians and nurses can earn and track their CME/CE credits. As they treat and search their patients, they can earn up to .5 credits for each topic questionnaire completion and submission. This activity has been reviewed and acceptable for up to 20 prescribed credit(s) by the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission.
    5MinuteConsult.com provides the luxury of a traditional print product and delivers quick access the continually updated online content – an ideal resource when you’re treating patients.
    “What an incredible program for any health care provider involved in diagnosing and treating patients! Awesome set up, great resource.” – current subscriber to www.5MinuteConsult.com.
    Product Format
    Online Instant Access
    The 5-Minute Consult Series
  • Frank J. Domino MD
    Professor, Clerkship Director, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts
    • 2,100+ commonly encountered diseases and conditions
    • 200+ Algorithms for fast diagnostic and treatment of most common concerns - including online-exclusive algorithms
    • Evidence-based treatment guidelines and Patient Education Handouts provided by LexiComp, available in both English and Spanish
    • 4,000+ A to Z Drug Monographs from Facts & Comparisons including patient education and drug interactions; browse by generic name or therapeutic classification
    • Over 200 step-by-step Procedure and Physical Therapy Videos to enhance procedure skills
    • Over 2,250 diagnostic images for over 840 topics
    • Image Bank of thousands of online-only images for visual guidance
    • Quick links to popular Calculators and Clinical Guidelines including CDC Immunization, USPSTF Preventative Screening and more
    At no additional charge, physicians and nurses can earn and track their CME/CE credits. As they treat and search their patients, they can earn up to .5 credits for each topic questionnaire completion and submission. This activity has been reviewed and acceptable for up to 20 prescribed credit(s) by the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission.
$ 120.00 USD $120.00

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ISBN/ISSN: 9781608313259
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