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Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!

Edition: 8
Publication Date:
June 7, 2023
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Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!®, 8th Edition, is your quick-reference guide to success in understanding fluids and electrolytes at ...
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  • Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!®, 8th Edition, is your quick-reference guide to success in understanding fluids and electrolytes at every stage of your nursing career—in class, on the unit, as you prepare for the NCLEX®, and whenever you need a refresher.
    This irreplaceable resource is written in the enjoyable Incredibly Easy® style, making must-have information approachable and entertaining while clarifying real-world applications. Step-by-step directions boost your confidence in balancing fluids and electrolytes, understanding fluid imbalances and the disorders that cause them, treating imbalances, and more. Helpful tips throughout reinforce key concepts, provide important care reminders, and strengthen your problem-solving and patient teaching capabilities.
    This 8th Edition is thoroughly updated with the latest insights and practices to ready you for success in today’s nursing practice and beyond.  

    • Updated content throughout keeps you current with the latest fluid and electrolyte nursing practices, common fluid imbalances and disorders you’ll encounter in practice, the effect of COVID-19 on fluid and electrolyte balances, and more.
    • Colorful drawings, charts, and diagrams clarify important content in vivid detail.
    • Memory Jogger reminders enhance your recall and understanding of difficult concepts. 
    • CAUTION! alerts help you quickly recognize dangerous signs and symptoms.  
    • It’s Not Working sections highlight alternative interventions to address unexpected patient outcomes.
    • Chart Smart lists familiarize you with critical documentation elements and help you avoid legal trouble. 
    • Teaching Points offer patient-teaching tips you can use to help patients prevent recurrence of problems.
    • Ages and Stages alert you to common fluid and electrolyte issues in young patients and older adults.
    • That’s a Wrap! summaries reinforce key chapter takeaways at a glance.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 9
    Incredibly Easy! Series®
    Publication Date
    June 7, 2023
  • Laura Willis MSN, APRN, FNP-C, DNPs
  • Chapter 1: Balancing fluids
    Chapter 2: Balancing electrolytes
    Chapter 3: Balancing acids and bases
    Chapter 4: When fluids tip the balance
    Chapter 5: When sodium tips the balance
    Chapter 6: When potassium tips the balance
    Chapter 7: When magnesium tips the balance
    Chapter 8: When calcium tips the balance
    Chapter 9: When phosphorus tips the balance
    Chapter 10: When chloride tips the balance
    Chapter 11: When acids and bases tip the balance
    Chapter 12: Heatrelated health alternations
    Chapter 13: Heart failure
    Chapter 14: Respiratory failure
    Chapter 15: Excessive GI fluid loss
    Chapter 16: Acute pancreatitis
    Chapter 17: Kidney failure
    Chapter 18: Burns
    Chapter 19: IV fluid replacement
    Chapter 20: Total parenteral nutrition
    Common fluid and electrolyte imbalances in pediatric patients
    Common fluid and electrolyte imbalances in older adult patients
    Transfusing blood and selected compounds
    Practice makes perfect
    • Updated content throughout keeps you current with the latest fluid and electrolyte nursing practices, common fluid imbalances and disorders you’ll encounter in practice, the effect of COVID-19 on fluid and electrolyte balances, and more.
    • Colorful drawings, charts, and diagrams clarify important content in vivid detail.
    • Memory Jogger reminders enhance your recall and understanding of difficult concepts. 
    • CAUTION! alerts help you quickly recognize dangerous signs and symptoms.  
    • It’s Not Working sections highlight alternative interventions to address unexpected patient outcomes.
    • Chart Smart lists familiarize you with critical documentation elements and help you avoid legal trouble. 
    • Teaching Points offer patient-teaching tips you can use to help patients prevent recurrence of problems.
    • Ages and Stages alert you to common fluid and electrolyte issues in young patients and older adults.
    • That’s a Wrap! summaries reinforce key chapter takeaways at a glance.
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Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!

Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975209315
USD $59.99 Quantity :
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