Home / Medicine / Functional Hip Joint Model (Right)

Functional Hip Joint Model (Right)

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One of our most popular models, this functional right hip joint allows demonstration of the mechanics of the hip joint ...
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  • One of our most popular models, this functional right hip joint allows demonstration of the mechanics of the hip joint and understanding of its anatomy . Hip joint model consists of a portion of femur, hip bone and joint ligaments.
    This is an functional model that illustrates:
    internal/external rotation and more
    Includes flexible, artificial ligaments. Life-size, removable from stand
    Made of durable plastic
    size: 7" x 5" x 13"
    Made in Germany by 3B Scientific GmbH
    Product Format
    Trim Size
    6 1/2 x 6
  • Anatomical Chart Company
$ 99.99 USD $99.99

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Functional Hip Joint Model (Right)

Functional Hip Joint Model (Right)

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