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Intrapartum Management Modules

Edition: 5
Publication Date:
May 31, 2016
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Confidently deliver safe, accurate intrapartum care with the expert guidance of Intrapartum Management Modules, 5e . This essential, fully updated edition ...
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  • Confidently deliver safe, accurate intrapartum care with the expert guidance of Intrapartum Management Modules, 5e . This essential, fully updated edition offers easy-to-follow directions on the full range of intrapartum skills, from admission assessment of the laboring woman and fetus to delivery and postpartum care. Written by top-level intrapartum nurses and educators, this is not only an essential study aid for inpatient obstetric nursing certification; it also offers indispensable orientation support to new practitioners.

    Absorb the A to Z of intrapartum nursing science and skills . . .
    • NEW and updated content offers the latest evidence-based therapeutic methods , drugs, and technology
    • NEW chapter on electronic fetal heart rate monitoring
    • Practice strips for monitoring fetal heart rate and contractions
    • End-of-module practice/review questions and end-of-book posttests to aid retention and bulletproof exam preparation
    • Centers for Disease Control guidelines for safe labor and delivery
    • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development guidelines for accurate electronic fetal monitoring
    • Self-paced independent learning manual —step-by-step directions for vital skills, including:
      • Physical exam of the laboring woman
      • Evaluating contractions
      • Meeting the individual and cultural needs of the laboring woman and family
      • Identifying the high-risk mother and fetus
      • Assessing fetal health
      • Managing gestational diabetes
      • Determining whether a patient is at risk for domestic violence
      • Evaluating fetal lie and presentation
      • Breathing and effleurage techniques
      • Managing an unexpected delivery
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    May 31, 2016
  • Betsy Kennedy
$ 89.99 USD $89.99

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Intrapartum Management Modules

Intrapartum Management Modules

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496358103
USD $89.99 Quantity :
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