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Learning Clinical Reasoning

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
August 7, 2019
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Learning Clinical Reasoning uses a case-based approach to teach students the basics of clinical reasoning. The first section explains the ...
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  • Learning Clinical Reasoning uses a case-based approach to teach students the basics of clinical reasoning. The first section explains the chief components of the clinical reasoning process, such as generating and refining diagnostic hypotheses, using and interpreting diagnostic tests, assembling a working diagnosis, therapeutic decision-making, and examining and applying evidence, and also includes a discussion of cognitive errors. The second section contains 69 cases in which clinicians 'think out loud' about diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas, and the authors critique these clinicians' reasoning. This edition has thirty new cases from the New England Journal of Medicine and other sources and expanded discussions of evidence-based medicine, clinical practice guidelines, and cognitive errors.
  • Edition
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    Publication Date
    August 7, 2019
  • Jerome P. Kassirer MD
    Distinguished Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine; Visiting Professor, Stanford University; Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, New England Journal of Medicine; Physician Emeritus, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
    John B. Wong MD
    Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine; Chief, Clinical Decision-Making Division, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA
    Richard I. Kopelman MD
    Endicott Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine; Vice Chairman of Medicine for Education, Director, Internal Medicine House Staff Training Program, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA

    1: Overview

    2: Diagnostic Hypothesis Generation

    3: Refinement of Diagnostic Hypotheses

    4: Use and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests

    5: Causal Reasoning

    6: Diagnostic Verification

    7: Therapeutic Decision Making

    8: Examining Evidence

    9: Cognitive Errors

    10: Some Cognitive Concepts

    11: Learning Clinical Problem Solving


    12: Introduction to the Cases

    13: Diagnostic Hypothesis Generation

    14: Refinement of Diagnostic Hypotheses

    15: Use and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests

    16: Causal Reasoning

    17: Diagnostic Verification

    18: Therapeutic Decision Making

    19: Examining Evidence

    20: Cognitive Errors

    21: Some Cognitive Concepts

    22: Learning Clinical Problem Solving
  • -- NEW! : 30 new cases
    -- NEW! : Added section on how to teach clinical reasoning
    -- NEW! : Added section on pattern recognition
    -- NEW! : Appendix of common references
    -- NEW! : Expanded chapter on cognitive errors
    -- NEW! : More clinically relevant examples included throughout the text
    -- NEW! : More tables for easier analysis of information
    -- NEW! : New cases from NEJM
    -- NEW! : Updated design
    --Case based approach; perfect for PBL programs
    --Clear writing style
    --Numerous tables
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Learning Clinical Reasoning

Learning Clinical Reasoning

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451130225
USD $71.99 Quantity :
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