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Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy!

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
October 5, 2015
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Perform nursing procedures safely and accurately, with the freshly updated Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy , Second Edition . Written in the ...
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  • Perform nursing procedures safely and accurately, with the freshly updated Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy , Second Edition . Written in the popular, lighthearted Incredibly Easy style, this comprehensive guide offers expert, step-by-step direction on a broad range of fundamental and system-based nursing procedures. This enjoyable way to learn nursing’s best practices will help you stay up-to-date with the latest in technology, nursing standards, NCLEX preparation, and safe, quality care.

    · NEW and updated content offers:
    o crucial patient care methods
    o current nursing practice guidelines
    o directions for using the latest medical technology
    o directions for ensuring patient safety and providing quality care
    · Coverage of topics including:
    o Fundamental nursing procedures - Easy-to-follow algorithms for a patient’s entire hospital stay, from intake to discharge, including surgical care
    o Specimen collection - Clear directions on collecting blood, urine, and other specimens
    o Physical treatments - Techniques for heat and cold application, baths, support devices, wound care, drug administration, I.V. therapy, and more
    o System-based procedures - Directions on procedures for all body systems
    · Clear direction to meet the needs of your maternal, neonatal, and pediatric patients
    · Easy-to-follow format for each procedure - Quick-skim paragraphs and bulleted lists specify equipment, step-by-step instructions, and practice pointers
    · Nursing procedures guides such as comparing biological dressings and assessing pressure ulcers
    · Special features:
    o Just the facts – Outline of chapter content at start of every chapter
    o Write it down - Essential documentation points for each procedure
    o Ages and stages – Issues where patient’s age impacts a procedure
    o Handle with care - Patient care tips for elderly, pediatric, and bariatric patients
    o Memory joggers – Simple tricks for remembering complex concepts
    o Warning - Possible dangers, risks, complications, or contraindications associated with a particular procedure
    o Quick Quiz – Questions & Answers at the end of every chapter
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Incredibly Easy! Series®
    Publication Date
    October 5, 2015
  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
$ 64.99 USD $64.99

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Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy!

Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy!

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496300416
USD $64.99 Quantity :
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