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Pocket Pediatrics

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
April 23, 2019
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Ideal for medical students, interns and residents, the latest edition of this portable quick-reference—part of the popular Pocket Medicine series, ...
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  • Ideal for medical students, interns and residents, the latest edition of this portable quick-reference—part of the popular Pocket Medicine series, prepared by residents and attending physicians—has been updated with new contributors and information on pediatric disorders and problems encountered in any clinical situation, including the ICU. The book is heavy on bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms, and the small size means it can fit snugly in anyone’s white coat pocket!
    • Features a four-color insert chapter packed with dermatological images.
    • Incorporates new contributors from the University of Rochester and new information and theoretical developments in the field.
    • Written in a concise, to-the-point style, which makes for easy absorption of material.
    • Bulleted format makes a perfect quick reference covering a comprehensive spectrum of everyday pediatric illnesses.
    • Handy for getting ready for pediatric board exams, too! 
    Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    April 23, 2019
  • Paritosh Prasad MD, DTM&H
    Clinical Fellow
    Massachusetts General Hospital
    Boston, Massachusetts

    Medical Staff Fellow
    National Institutes of Health
    Bethesda, Maryland
  • v
    viations vi
    MARy cARe AND ADoLeSceNt MeDiciNe
    Nicole Cifra, Francis Coyne, and Paritosh Prasad
    elopmental Milestones 1-1
    Healthcare Maintenance 1-2
    wth & Nutrition 1-4
    e to Thrive (FTT) 1-5
    accinations 1-6
    den Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) 1-6
    Skull Deformities 1-6
    Lead Screening and Toxicity 1-7
    elopmental Delay 1-9
    eight and obesity 1-9
    Eating Disorders 1-10
    Contraception/Gynecology 1-11
    Common Diagnoses in Primary Care 1-13
    RGeNcy DePAR tMeNt
    Uzair Admani and Asim Abbasi
    Initial Assessment/T rauma Exam 2-1
    imary Survey 2-1
    Secondary Survey 2-1
    Head/Neck T rauma 2-2
    Respiratory Emergencies 2-2
    Asthma Exacerbation 2-2
    Anaphylaxis 2-3
    Upper Airway Obstruction/Stridor 2-3
    diovascular Emergencies 2-4
    Shock 2-4
    Brue/Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (Formerly Alte) 2-6
    ologic Emergencies 2-6
    Seizures/Status Epilepticus 2-6
    ile Seizures 2-6
    Headaches/Migraines 2-7
    Surgical Emergencies 2-7
    Appendicitis 2-7
    Intussusception 2-8
    Ingestions/Toxidromes 2-8
    Acetaminophen Ingestion 2-9
    Aspirin Ingestion 2-9
    ECG Changes in Toxic Ingestions 2-9
    xidromes 2-10
    ocedures 2-10
    ocedural Sedation 2-10Contents ix
    Allergic Rhinitis 3-1
    Sinusitis 3-1
    Lower Airway 3-2
    Food Allergies 3-2
    Overview and Evaluation for Food Allergies 3-2
    Oral Allergy Syndrome 3-3
    Food Protein–Induced Proctocolitis 3-4
    Food Protein–Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES) 3-4
    Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) 3-4
    Cutaneous/Skin Disorders 3-5
    Atopic Dermatitis 3-5
    Urticaria 3-5
    Hereditary Angiodema 3-6
    Contact Dermatitis 3-7
    other 3-7
    Drug Allergies 3-7
    Latex Allergy 3-8
    Insect Sting Allergy 3-8
    Immunology 3-8
    Approach to the Child with Recurrent Infections 3-8
    Antibody/b-Cell Immunodeficiency 3-9
    T -Cell/Cellular Immunodeficiency 3-10
    Phagocytic Deficiency 3-11
    Complement Deficiency 3-12
    Peter Boulos and Michael Joynt
    Electrocardiography 4-1
    ECG Basics 4-1
    Approach to ECG Interpretation 4-1
    Conduction Abnormalities 4-2
    Arrhythmias 4-2
    Bradyarrhythmias 4-2
    Tachyarrhythmias 4-3
    Ventricular Arrhythmias 4-4
    Syncope 4-4
    Approach to Heart Murmurs 4-4
    Congenital Heart Disease 4-5
    Infective Endocarditis Prophylaxis 4-5
    Obstructive Lesions 4-6
    Acyanotic Lesions 4-7
    Cyanotic Lesions 4-8
    Miscellaneous Lesions 4-11
    Cardiac Procedures & Post-operative Course 4-12
    Common CHD Surgeries 4-12
    Preoperative CHD Considerations 4-13icarditis 4-17
    Acquired Cardiac Disease 4-18
    Rose Barham and Shara Bialo
    wth, Puberty, and Assoc Disorders 5-1
    Height 5-1
    enal Disease 5-7
    oid Disease 5-9
    Calcium Disorders 5-10
    Pituitary Disease 5-11
    Endocrine Syndromes 5-12
    Diabetes Mellitus: T ype 1 vs. Type 2 5-12
    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DkA) 5-13
    Hypoglycemia 5-14
    Lipid Disorders 5-15
    DS AND eLectR oL yteS
    Whelan and Erin Rademacher
    Maintenance Fluids 6-1
    olemia 6-1
    Hyponatremia 6-2
    Hypernatremia 6-3
    Hyperkalemia 6-4
    Hypocalcemia 6-5
    calcemia 6-5
    Magnesium Disturbances 6-6
    Phosphorus Disturbances 6-7
    ase Disorders 6-7
    Metabolic Acidosis 6-8
    Metabolic Alkalosis 6-9
    Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis 6-10
    tR oeNteR oLoGy
    et Connolly and Rebecca Abell
    Acute Abdominal Pain/Vomiting 7-1
    Management of Nausea/Vomiting 7-1
    Appendicitis 7-3
    Obstruction 7-3
    Constipation 7-3
    schsprung Disease 7-4
    Functional Constipation 7-4
    rhea 7-4
    Acute Diarrhea 7-4
    onic Diarrhea 7-4
    Celiac Disease 7-5
    Inflammatory Bowel Disease 7-5Contents xi
    Peptic Ulcer Disease 7-7
    GI bleeding 7-8
    Hepatic Disorders 7-8
    Jaundice 7-8
    Etiologies of Jaundice 7-9
    Hepatitis 7-9
    Pancreatitis 7-10
    Acute Pancreatitis 7-10
    Chronic Pancreatitis 7-11
    rancis Coyne and Craig Mullen
    Anemia 8-1
    Microcytic Anemias 8-2
    Normocytic Anemias 8-2
    Hemolytic Anemias 8-3
    Hemoglobinopathies 8-5
    Macrocytic Anemias 8-9
    Platelet Disorders 8-10
    Thrombocytopenia 8-10
    Platelet Function Disorders 8-14
    Leukocyte Disorders 8-15
    Leukocytosis 8-15
    Neutropenia 8-15
    Coagulation Disorders 8-17
    Bleeding Diatheses 8-17
    Thrombotic Disorders 8-18
    Pancytopenia 8-20
    rancis Coyne and Craig Mullen
    Lymphadenopathy 9-1
    Leukemia 9-2
    Acute Leukemias 9-2
    Lymphoma 9-4
    Hodgkin Lymphoma 9-4
    Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 9-5
    CNS T umors 9-7
    Posterior Fossa T umors 9-8
    Medulloblastoma 9-8
    High-Grade Gliomas (HGG) 9-9
    bone T umors 9-10
    Osteosarcoma 9-10
    Ewing Sarcoma 9-11
    Solid T umors 9-11
    Wilms T umor (Nephroblastoma) 9-11
    Neuroblastoma 9-12Hyperleukocytosis and Leukostasis 9-16
    Superior Mediastinal Syndrome 9-16
    Spinal Cord Compression 9-16
    Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation 9-17
    ransfusion Therapy 9-18
    Chemotherapy 9-19
    Nausea and V omiting 9-19
    Late Effects of Chemotherapy 9-20
    Acute T oxicities 9-20
    etic AND Met ABoLiSM
    itosh Prasad
    enatal Screening and Diagnostics 10-1
    ier Screening 10-1
    eening for Fetal Aneuploidy 10-1
    Diagnostic T esting 10-2
    Genetic Disorders 10-2
    Aneuploidy Disorders 10-2
    agile X Syndrome 10-3
    Deletion Syndromes 10-4
    Autosomal Disorders 10-4
    Inborn Errors of Metabolism 10-5
    Basics of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 10-5
    Metabolic Emergencies 10-7
    Anion Gap Acidosis with Elevated Lactate 10-8
    Hypoglycemia 10-8
    Aminoacidopathies 10-9
    atty Acid Oxidation Defects 10-10
    Lysosomal Storage Disorders 10-11
    Mitochondrial Disorders 10-12
    ectiouS DiSeASe
    y Mak and Francis Gigliotti
    er in Newborn 11-1
    oup b Streptococcus in Neonates 11-1
    Meningitis/Encephalitis 11-1
    otitis Media and Externa 11-2
    yngitis 11-3
    eriorbital and orbital Cellulitis 11-4
    Endocarditis 11-4
    Pneumonia 11-5
    oenteritis 11-5
    Mesenteric Lymphadenitis 11-6
    Appendicitis 11-6
    steomyelitis 11-6
    Septic Arthritis 11-7
    Skin and Soft Tissue Infections 11-7 xiii
    Vector-borne Diseases 11-12
    Fever of Unknown origin 11-13
    Antimicrobial Chart 11-13
    NeuR oLoGy
    Emily Krainer, Justin Rosati, and Jonathan Mink
    Epilepsy 12-1
    First Unprovoked Seizure 12-1
    Weakness 12-2
    The Hypotonic Infant 12-2
    Schematic Approach to Hypotonia 12-3
    Demyelinating Diseases 12-3
    Guillain–Barré Syndrome (GBS) 12-3
    Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) 12-4
    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 12-4
    Headaches 12-4
    Migraines 12-5
    Tension Headache 12-5
    Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalagias (TACs) 12-5
    Neurocutaneous Syndromes 12-6
    Tuberous Sclerosis 12-6
    Neurofibromatosis T ype 1 12-6
    Neurofibromatosis T ype 2 12-6
    Sturge–Weber 12-7
    Ataxia T elangiectasia 12-7
    Von Hippel–Lindau 12-7
    Concussion 12-7
    Movement Disorders 12-8
    Ataxia 12-8
    Tics/Tourette Syndrome 12-8
    Cerebral Palsy 12-8
    PuLMoNAR y
    Caitlin Metzger, Peter Boulos, and Karen Voter
    Common Respiratory Complaints 13-1
    Respiratory Complaints by Symptom 13-1
    Wheezing 13-1
    Asthma 13-2
    Bronchiolitis 13-3
    Respiratory Infections 13-4
    Pneumonia 13-4
    Pertussis 13-5
    Hemoptysis 13-5
    Diseases of the Pleural Space 13-7
    Pneumothorax 13-7
    Pleural Effusion 13-7
    Cystic Fibrosis 13-8heomalacia 13-10
    Upper Airway Obstruction 13-10
    er Airway Disease 13-11
    Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease (CILD) 13-11
    onchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) 13-11
    Pulmonary Function T ests 13-12
    Julia Lister, Adam Bracken, and Erin Rademacher
    ysis 14-1
    Overview 14-1
    Hematuria 14-1
    oteinuria 14-2
    kidney Injury 14-3
    onic kidney Disease 14-6
    Renal T ubular Acidosis 14-6
    tension 14-7
    otic Syndrome 14-9
    Glomerulonephritis/Nephritic Syndromes 14-11
    y Calculi 14-12
    Congenital Renal Malformations 14-14
    esicoureteral Reflux 14-16
    euMA toLoGy
    ambralli and Bethany Marston
    Lab Studies 15-1
    thritis 15-2
    Child with a Limp or Refusal to Walk 15-2
    Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) 15-3
    Macrophage Activation Syndrome (MAS) 15-4
    Reactive Arthritis 15-5
    Systemic Connective Tissue Disease 15-5
    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) 15-6
    Dermatomyositis 15-7
    leroderma 15-8
    ed Connective Tissue Disease 15-8
    Sjögren Syndrome 15-9
    Other Pediatric Musculoskeletal Pain 15-9
    asculitis 15-9
    e V essel V asculitis 15-10
    Medium V essel V asculitis 15-10
    Small V essel V asculitis 15-11
    ANCA (+) V asculitis 15-11
    Sarcoidosis 15-12
    Behçet Disease 15-13
    Autoinflammatory Diseases 15-13Contents xv
    Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring 16-1
    Gestational Age and Birth Weight Classification 16-2
    basic NICU Management 16-2
    Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition 16-2
    Pulmonary 16-3
    Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) 16-3
    Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) 16-3
    Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTN) 16-4
    Pneumonia 16-4
    Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) 16-4
    Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) 16-4
    Apnea 16-5
    Respiratory Syncitial Virus (RSV) Prophylaxis 16-5
    Cardiology 16-5
    Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) 16-5
    Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN) 16-5
    Gastroenterology 16-6
    Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) 16-6
    Tracheoesophageal Fistula (TEF) and Esophageal Atresia (EA) 16-6
    Gastroschisis 16-7
    Omphalocele 16-7
    Hirschsprung Disease 16-7
    Infectious Diseases 16-7
    Sepsis 16-7
    Meningitis 16-8
    Hepatitis B Virus 16-8
    ToRCHeS Infections 16-8
    Hematology 16-9
    Rh Isoimmunization 16-9
    ABO Isoimmunization 16-10
    Hyperbilirubinemia 16-10
    Neurology 16-12
    Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH) 16-12
    Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) 16-12
    Neonatal Seizures 16-13
    Uzair Admani and Jake Deines
    basics of ICU Care 17-1
    Sedation and Pain Control in the ICU 17-1
    Vascular Access in the PICU 17-2
    Prophylaxis in the ICU 17-2
    Shock/Cardiac Failure 17-2
    Oxygen Delivery/Physiology 17-2
    Types of Shock 17-3
    Pressors 17-4Asthma Exacerbation 17-7
    xygen Delivery and Ventilatory Assistance 17-7
    Oxygen Delivery Devices 17-7
    Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation 17-7
    hanical V entilation 17-8
    ologic Failure 17-10
    ain Death 17-10
    Status Epilepticus 17-10
    eased Intracranial Pressure (ICP) 17-10
    Endocrine Emergencies 17-11
    Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) 17-11
    Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH (SIADH) 17-11
    Diabetes Inspidus (DI) 17-11
    ebral Salt Wasting (CSW) 17-11
    /ECLS 17-11
    icAL iMAGeS iN PeDiA tRic
    Attaar and Maria Cordisco
    Dermatology 18-1
    Overview of Clinical Dermatology 18-1
    Common Skin Lesions in Neonates 18-4
    Eczematous Lesions 18-5
    Common Childhood Lesions 18-5
    iasis 18-5
    asaki Disease 18-5
    Common Pediatric Infectious Lesions 18-6
    Bacteria 18-7
    Fungal 18-8
    asites 18-8
    Inflammatory Disorders 18-8
    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) 18-8
    Juvenile Dermatomyositis (JDM) 18-9
    Vitiligo 18-9
    Drug Reactions 18-9
    Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) 18-9
    ocutaneous Disorders 18-12
    Neurofibromatosis 18-12
    uberous Sclerosis 18-12
    aft versus Host Disease 18-13
    Common Skin Disorders of Neonates 18-13
    ascular Anomalies 18-15
    ematous Lesions 18-15
    iasis 18-15
    asaki Disease 18-16 xvii
    Drug Reactions 18-18
    NDex I-1
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Pocket Pediatrics

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