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Therapeutic Modalities

The Art and Science
Edition: 2
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Authored by two leading researchers in the athletic training field, the Second Edition of Therapeutic Modalities: The Art and Science ...
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  • Authored by two leading researchers in the athletic training field, the Second Edition of Therapeutic Modalities: The Art and Science provides the knowledge needed to evaluate and select the most appropriate modalities to treat injuries. The authors use an informal, student-friendly writing style to hold students' interest and help them grasp difficult concepts. The unique approach of the text teaches aspiring clinicians both the how and the why of therapeutic modality use, training them to be decision-making professionals rather than simply technicians.
    The Second Edition is revised and expanded to include the latest research in therapeutic modalities. New material has been added on evidence-based practice, and other areas, such as pain treatment, are significantly expanded. It retains the successful format of providing the necessary background information on the modalities, followed by the authors' "5-Step Application Procedure." New photos, illustrations, and case studies have also been added.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Fixed Layout eBook
  • Kenneth L. Knight PhD, ATC, FACSM
    Professor, Exercise Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
    David O. Draper EdD, ATC, LAT
    Professor, Exercise Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
  • Part I: In Perspective
    Ch 01 Therapeutic Modalities: What They Are and Why They Are Used
    Ch 02 Evidence Based Practice
    Ch 03 General Application Procedures
    Ch 04 Injury Record Keeping

    Part II: Orthopedic Injury, Immediate Care, and Healing
    Ch 05 Tissue Response to Injury: Inflammation, Swelling, and Edema
    Ch 06 Immediate Care of Acute Orthopedic Injuries
    Ch 07 The Healing Process

    Part III: Pain and Orthopedic Injuries
    Ch 08 Understanding Pain and Its Relationship to Injury
    Ch 09 Relieving Orthopedic Injury Pain

    Part IV: Therapeutic Heat and Cold
    Ch 10 Principles of Heat for Thermotherapy
    Ch 11 Superficial Thermotherapy Application
    Ch 12 Cryotherapy Beyond Immediate Care
    Ch 13 Cryotherapy Application for Post-Immediate Care
    Ch 14 Therapeutic Ultrasound Principles and Application
    Ch 15 Diathermy Principles and Application

    Part V: Electrotherapy
    Ch 16 Principles of Electricity for Electrotherapy
    Ch 17 Electrotherapy Application

    Part VI: Other Modalities
    Ch 18 Therapeutic Massage
    Ch 19 Spinal Traction
    Ch 20 Laser and Light Therapy by Knight/Hopkins

    Part VII: Putting It All Together
    Ch 21 Differential Application of Therapeutic Modalities
    Ch 22 Case Studies Using Therapeutic Modalities
  • New features:
    • NEW Chapter 2: Evidence-Based Practice
    • Expanded, comprehensive coverage of Pain treatment (Chapter 8)
    • ~20 NEW photos and illustrations
    • Casual, student-friendly writing style
    • Chapter features - 5-Step Application Procedure, Modality Myth, Application Tip, Concept Check (formerly Critical Thinking), Chapter Reflections
    • Opening Scene and Closing Scene in each chapter reinforces the learned concepts by relating them to real-life situations
    • Final chapter of Case Studies
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Therapeutic Modalities

Therapeutic Modalities

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451111156
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