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VitalSource E-book for Ethical Issues in Clinical Research: A Practical Guide

Publication Date:
January 20, 2011
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This book teaches researchers how to resolve the ethical dilemmas that can arise at any stage in clinical research. In ...
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  • This book teaches researchers how to resolve the ethical dilemmas that can arise at any stage in clinical research. In addition to explaining pertinent regulations and laws, Dr. Lo helps investigators understand the gaps and uncertainties in regulations, as well as situations in which merely complying with the law may not fulfill ethical responsibilities. Most chapters include real-life examples that the author walks through, discussing the salient issues and how to approach them. This book can be used in courses on research ethics that are required or encouraged by major National Institutes of Health grants in academic health centers.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    January 20, 2011
  • Bernard Lo MD
$ 76.99 USD $76.99

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VitalSource E-book for Ethical Issues in Clinical Research: A Practical Guide

VitalSource E-book for Ethical Issues in Clinical Research: A Practical Guide

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451117776
USD $76.99 Quantity :
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