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VitalSource e-Book for The Exercise Professional's Guide to Optimizing Health

Strategies for Preventing and Reducing Chronic Disease
Publication Date:
August 21, 2011
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Published in cooperation with the American College of Sports Medicine, The Exercise Professional’s Guide to Optimizing Health enables you to ...
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  • Published in cooperation with the American College of Sports Medicine, The Exercise Professional’s Guide to Optimizing Health enables you to design and implement exercise programs based on the latest research to help people avoid the onset of chronic disease. Moreover, it shows you how to design exercise programs so that people with chronic disease can safely benefit from exercise.
    This text begins with an overview of the epidemiology of chronic disease and is then divided into three parts. Part One clearly explains pathophysiology concepts common to all chronic diseases as well as the healthful effects of exercise and nutrition. Part Two covers atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, with specific recommendations for effective exercise programs to manage each disease. Finally, Part Three discusses behavior change and then summarizes all the exercise prescription information for each chronic disease in a single chapter.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Fixed Layout eBook
    Publication Date
    August 21, 2011
  • Jeffrey L. Roitman EdD, FACSM

    Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Exercise and Sports Science, Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO

    Tom LaFontaine PhD, ACSM RCEP, NSCA-CPT,
    Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Optimus: The Center for Health, Columbia, MO; PREVENT Consulting Services, LLC; Department of Nutrition and Department of Exercise Physiology, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO
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VitalSource e-Book for The Exercise Professional's Guide to Optimizing Health

VitalSource e-Book for The Exercise Professional's Guide to Optimizing Health

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451125405
USD $72.99 Quantity :
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