Ensure student understanding of the concepts in Lippincott Essentials for Nursing Assistants, 5th edition with this companion Workbook. Following the ...
Ensure student understanding of the concepts in Lippincott Essentials for Nursing Assistants, 5th edition with this companion Workbook. Following the same straightforward organization of the parent text, the workbook features corresponding assignments that can be easily assigned in whole or in part according to the needs of your program’s curriculum. Key learning points derived from the textbook learning objectives clearly identify the concepts being reviewed. Procedure Checklists ensure compliance with corresponding step-by-step Procedures in the text. Pam’s Pearls, words of advice and encouragement from the author, are scattered throughout to help reinforce understanding. A range of learning activities — including fill-in-the-blank, think about it, matching, crossword puzzles, word jumbles, labeling, sequencing and identification — keep students engaged and ensure an effective review for all learning styles.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
September 23, 2020
Pamela J Carter
UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH CARE 1. The Health Care System 2. The Nursing Assistant's Job 3. Professionalism and Job-Seeking Skills 4. Communication Skills 5. Those We Care For 6. The Patient's or Resident's Environment
UNIT 2 THE HUMAN BODY IN HEALTH AND DISEASE 7. Basic Body Structure and Function 8. Common Disorders 9. Rehabilitation and Restorative Care
UNIT 3 LONG-TERM CARE 10. Overview of Long-Term Care 11. The Long-Term Care Resident 12. Caring for People With Dementia
UNIT 4 SAFETY 13. Infection Control 14. Workplace Safety 15. Patient and Resident Safety 16. Basic First Aid and Emergency Care
UNIT 5 BASIC PATIENT AND RESIDENT CARE 17. Assisting With Repositioning and Transferring 18. Assisting With Exercise 19. Bedmaking 20. Measuring and Recording Vital Signs, Height, and Weight 21. Assisting With Hygiene 22. Preventing Pressure Ulcers and Assisting With Wound Care 23. Assisting With Grooming 24. Assisting With Nutrition 25. Assisting With Urinary Elimination 26. Assisting With Bowel Elimination 27. Assisting With Comfort
UNIT 6 SPECIAL CARE CONCERNS 28. Caring for People Who Are Dying 29. Caring for People With Developmental Disabilities 30. Caring for People With Cancer 31. Caring for People With HIV/AIDS 32. Caring for People Who Are Having Surgery 33. Caring for People in the Home Environment
Appendix Procedure Checklists
● Revised content reflects updates to the parent text that reinforce the latest guidelines and practices. ● Updated questions and activities reinforce the most current approaches to safe, effective nursing assistant practice. ● Procedure Checklists ensure compliance with corresponding Procedures from the textbook. ● Pam's Pearls reinforce key concepts with words and advice and encouragement from the author. ● Straightforward format mirrors the organization of the textbook for easy reference and review. ● Key Learning Points correspond to textbook learning objectives for an efficient review of essential concepts. ● Learning activities test students’ retention of important textbook information through a variety of engaging exercises:
Workbook for Lippincott Essentials for Nursing Assistants
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975142896
USD $46.99 Quantity :
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