Illustrated with over 3,400 drawings and full-color photographs, this volume presents a unique multidisciplinary approach to head and neck reconstruction, combining input from otolaryngologists, plastic surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, maxillofacial prosthodontists, oculoplastic surgeons, speech and swallowing therapists, and metabolic support and nutrition specialists. For each anatomic region of the head and neck, the book defines the various defects from the reconstructive surgeon's point of view and presents actual cases demonstrating how each defect was reconstructed. In-depth discussions by leaders in the field allow the reader to appreciate the basic principles as well as the nuances of restoring each defect to an optimal level using regional flaps, free flaps, and prosthetic rehabilitation. The detailed case presentations show flap design and inset to achieve the final result.
One of the key advances emphasized is the combination of implant technology and free tissue transfer to achieve the highest level of functional restoration. The reconstruction of patients following failure of radiation therapy is also extensively discussed.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
September 17, 2009
Mark L. Urken MD, FACS
Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
Perioperative Nutrition and Metabolic Support for the Head and Neck Cancer Patient Jeffrey I. Mechanick
Advanced Recipient Vessel Selection in Free Tissue Transfer to the Head and Neck Mark L. Urken
Complications of Free Tissue Transfer in Head and Neck Reconstruction Gerry F. Funk, Keith E. Blackwell, and Ryan N. Heffelfinger
Reconstruction of the Lips Arthur Salibian and Mark L. Urken
Oromandibular Reconstruction Daniel Buchbinder, Devin J. Okay, and Mark L. Urken
Reconstruction of the Oral Cavity following Partial and Total Glossectomy Mark L. Urken and Devin J. Okay
Pediatric Mandibular and Maxillary Reconstruction Neal D. Futran, Devin J. Okay, and Mark L. Urken
Reconstruction of Palatomaxillary Defects Mark L. Urken and Devin J. Okay
Facial Reanimation Tessa A. Hadlock and Mack L. Cheney
Reconstruction of the Cheek and Neck Mark L. Urken
Auricular Reconstruction Tessa A. Hadlock, Mack L. Cheney, and Devin J. Okay
Periorbital Reconstruction Jeffrey A. Nerad, Siew-Shuen Chao, and Adam de la Garza
Scalp Reconstruction Arthur Salibian and Mark L. Urken
Oropharyngeal Reconstruction Jeffrey R. Harris, Hadi Seikaly, and Mark L. Urken
Pharyngoesophageal Reconstruction Keith E. Blackwell and Mark L. Urken
Reconstruction of the Head and Neck following Major Trauma Gerry F. Funk
--A unique multidisciplinary approach to head and neck reconstruction, combining input from otolaryngologists, plastic surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, maxillofacial prosthodontists, oculoplastic surgeons, speech and swallowing therapists, and metabolic support and nutrition specialists --Defect by defect approach to various subsites in the head and neck: scalp, cheek, auricle, facial nerve, mandible, maxilla, orbit, lips, tongue, oropharynx, laryngopharynx. For each subsite, the book identifies the various defects and presents actual cases showing how each defect was reconstructed. --Over 3,400 drawings and full-color photographs with detailed case presentations show flap design and inset to achieve the final result --Emphasizes the combination of implant technology and free tissue transfer to achieve the highest level of functional restoration --Extensive discussions on reconstruction of patients following failure of radiation therapy
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