BMI and Waist Circumference chart is an essential tool for primary care professionals and anyone involved in wellness and weight counseling. With this tool, it's easy to find the patient's Body Mass Index (BMI) score based on their height and weight and to discover if the patient has a high-risk waistline. The chart provides:
A definition of BMI
English and Metric formulas for BMI
Limitations of BMI
Table of classifications of BMI scores, from Underweight to Extreme Obesity
Information and direction to discover if a patient has a high-risk waist circumference. The Waist Circumference measure is useful in assessing risk for adults who are normal or overweight according to the BMI table.
Made in the USA. Available in the following versions :
20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9780781772273
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