Step-Up to Surgery is an effective high-yield review of general and subspecialty surgery, written specifically for medical, physician assistant, and ...
Step-Up to Surgery is an effective high-yield review of general and subspecialty surgery, written specifically for medical, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner students in their surgery clerkship/rotation. Step-Up to Surgery packs clinical pearls, illustrations, and “Quick Hits” in a single, ingenious tool, tailoring each element for immediate content absorption and faster, more efficient review. This review book gives you exactly what you need to prepare for the surgery clerkship, accompanying shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2!
NEW Features for this edition: • Full-color, updated interior design brings the content to you in a memorable style. • Full-color, updated figures illustrate concepts when a picture says it best.
CLASSIC Student approved features: • Complete coverage of key surgery topics ensures that you are test-ready and prepared on the wards! • Quick Hits in the margins highlight highly testable topics—just see how the sparks fly at test time! • Clinical Pearls help you “file away” clinical medicine connections for handy retrieval at test time! • Bold terms highlight key terminology for added emphasis!
BONUS Material and study resources: • NEW! 100 USMLE-style questions in the book and online, so you can study anytime, anywhere!
Product Format
Vitalsource Fixed Layout eBook
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Step-Up Series
Publication Date
March 20, 2014
Stanley Zaslau
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
USD $75.99
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