Now available exclusively as an eBook, Emergency Response Management for Athletic Trainers, 2e , provides a mix of theory, hands-on guidance, and instructive videos to help students learn to quickly assess and manage the broad range of medical emergencies that athletes may experience, including traumatic injuries, respiratory and circulatory arrest, and sudden illness. Take advantage of new videos and other hands-on features that only truly come to life in the eBook format!
Featuring new information on handling concussion, an all-new video collection directly integrated into the etext, and a new chapter on collaborating with Team Physicians, this Second Edition not only explains core first aid skills, it also highlights the specific athletic training emergency trauma skills outlined in the educational competencies set by the National Athletic Trainer’s Association Board of Certification.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Trim Size
8.375 x 10.875
Publication Date
November 6, 2015
Michael Miller EdD, ATC, CSCS
Associate Professor, Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, and Director of Graduate Training, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
David Berry EdD
Department of Health Promotion and Human Performance, Weber State University, Ogden, UT
A number of eBook formats are available , including Inkling, Kindle, and VitalSource.
An empowering video collection clarifies emergency procedures in a memorable way.
The new eBook-only format allows students to watch videos in real time as they move through chapter material and makes it possible to update content as needed to reflect changing protocols and best practices.
A new chapter, Team Physician Directed-Care, covers a key topic for today’s athletic trainers.
New material on concussions prepares students to deal quickly and effectively with this medical emergency.
Emergency Management content specific to the needs of athletic trainers helps students learn key competencies.
Signs and SymptomsandSkill boxes provide quick-reference information for easy use in the field.
A variety of didactic, visual, and kinesthetic learning tools in every chapter enable readers of varying learning styles to master core skills.
Voices from the Fieldboxes demonstrate how concepts and techniques are used in real world settings.Current Researchboxes showcase recent research in the field.
Scenarios use real world cases to help students learn to apply their knowledge to athletic training emergencies.
Highlights provide extra on-topic facts and comments.
Chapter-opening elements provide an overview of chapter topics and expected learning outcomes.
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