Recent, significant changes in surgery, technology, regulations, and society have greatly impacted how surgeons consider ethical issues in light of ...
Recent, significant changes in surgery, technology, regulations, and society have greatly impacted how surgeons consider ethical issues in light of professional expertise, wisdom, and personal responsibility. Dr. Lloyd A. Jacobs, along with world-renowned surgeons and other health care professionals, provides thoughtful, intellectually challenging information and commentary in an easy-to-understand manner to help surgeons think through and respond effectively to complex questions of life, death, provision of health care, and more. Covering the wide range of ethical concerns facing today’s surgeons, this concise, readable title is beneficial at all levels of training and practice.
Addresses the ethical questions all surgeons must address with themselves, their patients, and their colleagues, helping prepare readers for difficult but necessary conversations in all areas of practice.
Part One, written by Dr. Jacobs, covers the theory of ethical decision making, including chapters on beneficence vs. egoism, distributive justice, autonomy, and the surgeon-patient covenant, among others.
Part Two, written by dozens of experienced surgeons and others in health care, covers ethical decision making in subspecialty areas, ethics of surgery in the elderly and frail elderly, the millennial surgeon, palliative care, delivering bad news, medical litigation, financial conflicts of interest, regret and apology, social media, and much more.
Uses short, accessible chapters to presents a surgeon’s view of each area while also emphasizing the human factors associated with ethical practices.
Covers the types of ethical questions likely to be included on the ABSITE, plus much more – all relevant to the surgeon’s daily practice and decision making.
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
6 x 9
Publication Date
June 26, 2018
Lloyd Jacobs
Addresses the ethical questions all surgeons must address with themselves, their patients, and their colleagues, helping prepare readers for difficult but necessary conversations in all areas of practice.
Part One, written by Dr. Jacobs, covers the theory of ethical decision making, including chapters on beneficence vs. egoism, distributive justice, autonomy, and the surgeon-patient covenant, among others.
Part Two, written by dozens of experienced surgeons and others in health care, covers ethical decision making in subspecialty areas, ethics of surgery in the elderly and frail elderly, the millennial surgeon, palliative care, delivering bad news, medical litigation, financial conflicts of interest, regret and apology, social media, and much more.
Uses short, accessible chapters to presents a surgeon’s view of each area while also emphasizing the human factors associated with ethical practices.
Covers the types of ethical questions likely to be included on the ABSITE, plus much more – all relevant to the surgeon’s daily practice and decision making.
Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience:
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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