The Blueprint for Health series of charts illustrated by Kate Sweeney are designed to make human anatomy come alive for kids. Colorful, clear pictures help to explain concepts. Examples and activities make learning and understanding fun and easy. An ideal tool for educating pediatric patients, Your Muscles (from the Blueprint for Health charts series) presents colorful, anatomically correct illustrations of the muscles of the human body. It describes and shows the kinds of muscles and what is on the inside of muscles. Illustrations demonstrate how many muscles it takes to smile (17) and how many to frown (43). The chart includes fun facts ("You have over 600 muscles in your body.") and answers to questions like "Why do muscles get tired?" and "Why do you shiver when you get cold?" Bright colors and bold figures make learning enjoyable. Fun actitivities to try in the classroom or at home to show how muscles work. made in USA Available in the following versions
20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9781587797378
20" x 26" heavy paper ISBN 9781587797361
set of all 9 Blueprint for Health charts - laminated versions # KSSET9
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