Reflecting the expert insight of leading names in the field, Perspectives in Ambulatory Care Nursing helps students confidently meet the challenges of a changing healthcare landscape and embrace their role in nursing outside of the hospital setting. Ambulatory care authorities Caroline Varner Coburn, Deena Gilland and Beth Ann Swan guide students through the evolution of nursing in ambulatory care settings — including the social and political forces driving an increased need for nurses in primary care — and detail how nurses can use research and data to change practice, demonstrate the impact of nursing and meet standards of excellence in ambulatory care.
An ideal primer both for nursing students and practicing nurses switching from acute care positions to ambulatory care settings, Perspectives in Ambulatory Care Nursing clarifies the distinctions between the two care settings, familiarizes students with the variety of parts played by members of the healthcare team and identifies key topics in today’s ambulatory nursing practice, including telehealth, care coordination/transition management and the involvement of clients and families in health management. Accompanying resources encourage students to think critically about ambulatory care concepts and consider real-world applications as they prepare for success in practice.
Key Points summarize essential takeaways at a glance.
Clear, concise chapters demonstrate key differences between acute and ambulatory nursing approaches.
Case Studies with accompanying critical thinking questions challenge students to apply concepts to real-world ambulatory care scenarios.
Discussion Questions encourage students to think critically and improve test-taking confidence.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
March 26, 2021
Caroline Coburn
Deena Gilland
Beth Ann Swan
Unit I: Changing Landscape of Healthcare in the United States
Chapter 1: Ambulatory Nursing: An Overview
Chapter 2: Healthcare Delivery
Chapter 3: Political, Social, and Economic Influences on Health Outcomes
Unit II: Measuring Impact
Chapter 4: Nursing Practice: Regulation and Advocacy
Chapter 5: Measurement and Value
Chapter 6: Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Quality Improvement
Unit III: Fundamentals for Ambulatory Care Nursing
Chapter 7: Engaging Individuals and Families in Health
Chapter 8: Care Coordination
Chapter 9: Telehealth and Virtual Care Nursing
Unit IV: Ambulatory Settings: Roles and Competencies
Chapter 10: Primary Care
Chapter 11: Episodic Care
Chapter 12: Medical Specialty Clinics
Chapter 13: Population Health: Ambulatory Focus on Selected Populations
Chapter 14: Underserved Populations and Cultural Considerations
Unit V: Advancing Ambulatory Care Nursing
Chapter 15: Ambulatory Care: Educating the Next Generation
Chapter 16: Ambulatory Nursing Practice: Support and Infrastructures
Key Points summarize essential takeaways at a glance.
Clear, concise chapters demonstrate key differences between acute and ambulatory nursing approaches.
Case Studies with accompanying critical thinking questions challenge students to apply concepts to real-world ambulatory care scenarios.
Discussion Questions encourage students to think critically and improve test-taking confidence.
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