Knowledge translation is a process derived from the need to ensure that our best knowledge (that is, the best available evidence) is used in practice and involves the ongoing, iterative and interactive process of translating knowledge from research into clinical practice and policy through ethically sound application and complex interactions between research developers and end users of research. This book seeks to examine the translational research process in relation to the JBI Model of Evidence Based Health Care and to clarify how the three translation gaps identified in the text and the elements of the JBI Model serve to complement each other in modelling the relationship between the translation science cycle and the pragmatic evidence-based healthcare cycle.
Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
January 31, 2019
Alan Pearson
Susan Weeks
Cindy Stern
1. Translating Knowledge into Action in Healthcare 2. The JBI Model of Evidence-Based Healthcare 3. The Generation of Evidence 4. The Synthesis of Evidence 5. Evidence Transfer 6. Getting Evidence Into Action
Translation Science and the JBI Model of Evidence-Based Healthcare
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975123666
USD $19.99 Quantity :
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