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Operative Techniques in Trauma and Emergency General Surgery

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
May 8, 2023
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  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    May 8, 2023
  • Amy J. Goldberg
  • Contents
    Contributing Authors v
    Series Preface ix
    Preface xi
    Video Contents List xv
    Section i Thermal Injury
    1 Burn Surgery: Escharotomy, Excision, and
    Split- Thickness Skin Grafting 1
    Natalie J.Hodges and Sharmila Dissanaike
    2 Frostbite and Hypothermia: Surgical
    Management 7
    Natalie J. Hodges and Sharmila Dissanaike
    3 Electrical Bur ns 10
    Natalie J. Hodges and Sharmila Dissanaike
    Section ii Infection
    4 Decision- Making and Operative Management
    of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections 13
    Lisa Rae and Jeffery H. Anderson
    Section iii Traumatic Injury to the Chest Wall,
    Pleura, and Diaphragm
    5 Rib Plating 19
    Mitchell D. Gorman, Sagar S. Kadakia, and
    Joshua A. Marks
    6 Needle Decompression, Tube Thoracostomy,
    Thoracentesis 27
    Jennifer T. Cone and Selwyn O. Rogers Jr.
    7 Pleur odesis 35
    Jennifer T. Cone and Selwyn O. Rogers Jr.
    8 Video- Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for
    Retained Hemothorax and Empyema 39
    Morgan Schellenberg and Kenji Inaba
    9 Repair of Diaphragmatic Injury
    (Primary and Mesh) 45
    Noelle N. Saillant and George C. Velmahos
    Section iV Thoracic Traumatic Injuries
    10 Thoracic Incisions: Median Sternotomy,
    Anterolateral Thoracotomy, Bilateral
    Thoracotomy, Posterolateral Thoracotomy 50
    Christina L. Jacovides and Mark J. Seamon
    11 Pericardial Window: Subxiphoid,
    Parasternal 60
    Christofer B. Anderson and Sharven Taghavi
    12 Repair of Cardiac Injury 65
    Zoë Maher, Valeda Yong, and Jessica H. Beard
    13 Surgical Management of Lung
    Trauma: Tractotomy, Wedge Resection,
    and Lobectomy 73
    Arvin C. Gee and Karen J. Brasel
    14 Pneumonectomy for Trauma 80
    Lars Ola Sjoholm, Craig J. Profant, and
    Thomas A. Santora
    15 Arterial: Subclavian, Thoracic Aorta,
    Endovascular 88
    Lisbi del Valle Rivas Ramirez, Natalie M. Wall, and
    Paula Ferrada
    16 Thoracic Vascular Injury—Venous:
    Brachiocephalic Vein, Subclavian Vein 92
    Michael A. Vella, Michael J. Nabozny,
    Adam Joseph Doyle, and Nicole A. Stassen
    Section V Injury to the Neck
    17 Incisions: Anterior Sternocleidomastoid
    Incision, Collar Incision 99
    Scott A. Zakaluzny and Joseph M. Galante
    18 Upper Aerodigestive Tract Injury: Trachea 104
    John Andrew Harvin and Rushabh Prakash Devxiv ConTEnTS
    19 Surgical Management of Injuries to the
    Cervical Esophagus 108
    James P. Byrne and Patrick M. Reilly
    20 Repair of Internal and External Carotid
    Injury 115
    Melike N. Harfouche and Rosemary A. Kozar
    21 Vascular Injury—Neck: Internal Jugular
    Vein 120
    Jennifer E. Reid and Deborah M. Stein
    Section Vi Traumatic Injury to the
    Gastrointestinal Tract
    22 T rauma Lapar otomy 126
    S. Ariane Christie and Andrew B. Peitzman
    23 Gastric and Small Bowel Injury: Primary
    Repair, Resection, Anastomosis, Wedge
    Resection 136
    Alex Helkin and Carrie Sims
    24 Colon and Rectal Injury: Primary Repair,
    Resection and Anastomosis, Colostomy 145
    Louis Jude Magnotti, Devanshi D. Patel, and
    Martin A. Croce
    25 Extraperitoneal Rectal Injury: Colostomy,
    Presacral Drains 152
    Anne H. Warner and Kevin M. Bradley
    Section Vii Traumatic Injury to the Duodenum
    and Pancreas
    26 Operative Management of Duodenal
    Injury 157
    David I. Hindin and David A. Spain
    27 Pancreas: Drainage, Distal Pancreatectomy/
    Splenectomy 163
    Kojo Wallace, Randi N. Smith, and
    Christopher J. Dente
    Section Viii Traumatic Injury to the Spleen
    and Liver
    28 Splenic Injury: Splenectomy and
    Splenorrhaphy 167
    Lucy Ruangvoravat and Kimberly A. Davis
    29 Surgical Management of Hepatic Trauma 173
    Walter L. Biffl Section iX Traumatic Injury to the
    Genitourinary Tract
    30 Genitourinary Injury—Kidney: Renorrhaphy,
    Nephrectomy 182
    31 Genitourinary Injury—Bladder:
    Extraperitoneal, Intraperitoneal 188
    John Donkersloot and Pauline K. Park
    32 Ureter: Proximal Third, Middle Third,
    Distal Third 194
    Irma J. Lengu, Esther S. Tseng, and
    John J. Como
    Section X Pelvic Fractur e/Retr operitoneal
    33 Preperitoneal Pelvic Packing 204
    Kaitlin A. Ritter and Clay Cothren Burlew
    Section Xi Vascular Injury—Abdominal
    34 Zone I Injuries 210
    Caroline Park and Joseph P. Minei
    35 Abdominal Vascular Injury Zone II 225
    Melike N. Harfouche and David T. Efron
    36 Abdominal Vascular Injury Zone III 230
    Elizabeth Dauer and Abhijit S. Pathak
    Section Xii Vascular Injury: Extremities
    37 Lower Extremity Vascular Trauma—
    Femoral and Popliteal With Infrapopliteal
    Fasciotomy 237
    Kelly M. Sutter and Christine T. Trankiem
    38 Upper Extremity: Axillary, Brachial, Radial/
    Ulnar Fasciotomy 250
    Brian K. Yorkgitis, Jeanette Zhang, and
    Matthew P. Kochuba
    Section Xiii Trauma in Pregnancy
    39 Trauma Cesarean Section 262
    Tracey A. Dechert, Tejal Sudhirkumar Brahmbhatt,
    and Aaron Powel Richman
    Section XiV Supportive Procedures
    40 Cricothyroidotomy 266
    Bennett J. Berning and Marc Anthony de Moya
    41 Tracheostomy: Open and Percutaneous 270
    Bennett J. Berning and Marc Anthony de Moya
    index i-1
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Operative Techniques in Trauma and Emergency General Surgery

Operative Techniques in Trauma and Emergency General Surgery

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975176693
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