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A first-of-its-kind, point-of-care teaching tool, Pediatric Hospital Medicine: A High-Value Approach focuses exclusively on high-value care as it relates to the growing field of pediatric hospital medicine (PHM). This practical, approachable resource shares expert insights and guidance from Drs. Moises Auron, Colleen Schelzig, Sangeeta Krishna, and Anika Kumar, as well as faculty, physician, and NP staff, and current and former fellows at the esteemed Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital. High-yield, readable content ensures usefulness for pediatric hospitalists at the point of care who seek to reduce unnecessary diagnostic tests and treatments, and trainees who are reviewing and studying for board exams.
Provides practical, evidence-based, point-of-care guidance specific to PHM, helping you deliver optimal high-value patient care
Offers actionable advice to help streamline patient care, covering dozens of the most-seen diagnoses in pediatric hospital settings
Contains focused, high-yield content that can be used immediately at all levels of training and practice, including residents, fellows, attendings, NPs, and PAs
Includes High-Value Do’s and Don’ts at the end of each chapter, along with hospital admission and discharge criteria
Shares the expertise of top-notch clinicians at Cleveland Clinic Children’s, a leading children’s hospital with an ACGME-accredited fellowship in PHM
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